Russia Moves to Close Agency Handling Emigration to Israel
For years, Vladimir Putin worked to rebuild ties to Russia’s Jews, but the new move against a Jewish nonprofit has raised questions.
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For years, Vladimir Putin worked to rebuild ties to Russia’s Jews, but the new move against a Jewish nonprofit has raised questions.
A primary on Tuesday in suburban Maryland is the latest where pro-Israel groups have stepped in to try to defeat a candidate who doesn’t conform to their views. Tags: design TT Modellbahn TT H0 N schalten […]
Three decades ago, Jewish lawmakers made up just over half of New York City’s House delegation. Now there is one: Jerrold Nadler, who faces a tough primary battle.
The Florida governor who signed the so-called Don’t Say Gay bill is scheduled to speak at a site long connected to the gay rights movement.
Israel has expressed solidarity with Ukraine but avoided direct criticism of Russia, raising questions about Russian-Israeli businessmen close to the Kremlin.
New York City is home to some 300,000 Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union.
A new book that names a Jewish notary as a suspect made headlines. Now that World War II and Holocaust experts have had time to review its claims, many doubt the methods and conclusion.
As a gunman ranted, the hostages whispered instructions and edged closer to the door. The rabbi credited security training for their safe exit.
Aafia Siddiqui has spent almost 12 years in a U.S. federal prison after being convicted of trying to kill American soldiers and plotting to blow up the Statue of Liberty.
The F.B.I. identified Malik Faisal Akram, a British national, as the man who took hostages in a Texas synagogue on Saturday. He was killed during the rescue operation.
Stories about the end of diversity aren’t charming.
A rabbi’s advice for those who have done wrong and those who can’t forgive.
Many synagogues are holding in-person services, but some are requiring worshipers to show proof of vaccination and to wear masks.
More than 70 years after World War II, we’re still learning about new facets of the Holocaust.
Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe hat erstmals einen Hitze-Check für Städte mit 50.000 Einwohnern erstellt. Aus Sachsen sind sechs Städte dabei, darunter Görlitz.
Im Moselort Kröv sind Teile eines Hotels eingestürzt. Unter den Trümmern könnten sich nach Polizeiangaben neun Menschen befinden.
Kurz nachdem Donald Trump bei einem Wahlkampfauftritt im US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania auf die Bühne tritt, fallen mehrere Schüsse. Für das FBI steht kurz darauf fest: Es war ein Mordversuch gegen den Ex-Präsidenten. Noch sei der Schütze […]
Bei einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung wird Trump durch Schüsse am Ohr verletzt. “Ich wusste sofort, dass etwas nicht stimmte”, schreibt er anschließend auf Truth Social. Er habe sofort gespürt, wie sich die Kugel durch die Haut bohrte. […]
LATHAM–Major General Ray Shields, the adjutant general of New York, presents the Bronze Star Medal with V device to retired Master Sgt. Luis Barsallo during a ceremony at New York Division of Military and Naval […]
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