
IGN Articles This feed contains the latest 20 articles from IGN about games

  • Dai­ly Deals: Space Marine 2, M2 Mac­Book Air, Apple Watch Series 10, and More
    by Noah Hunter on 5. Jan­u­ar 2025 at 18:58

    The first week­end of 2025 is here, which makes today a great time to check out the lat­est deals! Here are the best deals for Sun­day, Jan­u­ary 5.Save on Warham­mer 40,000: Space Marine 2Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is on sale for $49.99 at Ama­zon. In our 8/10 review, we stat­ed, “Warham­mer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is a ter­rif­ic third-per­son shoot­er with a com­pelling sto­ry, loads of weapons that are a blast to use, and a healthy vari­ety of ene­mies to use them on.“M2 Mac­Book Air for $799Amazon has this 2022 Apple Mac­Book Air on sale for $799 this week­end. This mod­el includes the M2 chip, which sup­ports Apple Intel­li­gence, as well as 16GB of RAM, 256GB of SSD stor­age, and a 13.6‑inch dis­play. If you’ve been hold­ing out on upgrad­ing your Mac­Book this can be an excel­lent option. Mar­vel vs. Cap­com Fight­ing Col­lec­tion: Arcade Clas­sics for $34You can score Mar­vel vs. Cap­com Fight­ing Col­lec­tion: Arcade Clas­sics for only $34 today at Ama­zon. This col­lec­tion packs in sev­en dif­fer­ent titles, includ­ing the beloved Mar­vel vs. Cap­com 2: New Age of Heroes. At last, you can play these clas­sic titles on mod­ern plat­forms. EPOMAKER Shadow‑X Gas­ket Mechan­i­cal Key­board for $42.99This EPOMAKER Shadow‑X key­board is per­fect to switch up your set­up with some col­or. The key­board can be used either wire­less­ly or wired, with a 3,000mAh bat­tery to sup­port hours of use. Addi­tion­al­ly, there’s even a col­or screen that dis­plays set­tings, specs, and more at just a glance. Belkin MagSafe 3‑in‑1 Charg­er Stand for $65.99If you own an iPhone, Apple Watch, and a pair of Apple Air­Pods, this is the ulti­mate acces­so­ry for you. The Belkin MagSafe 3‑in‑1 Charg­er Stand can charge all of your devices wire­less­ly with one device. It’s per­fect for plac­ing on your night­stand, or even for bring­ing with you dur­ing a trip away from home. Say good­bye to the days of one cord per device.Dragon Quest Illus­tra­tions: 30th Anniver­sary Edi­tion for $23.82Featuring 240 pages of art­work from Aki­ra Toriya­ma, Drag­on Quest Illus­tra­tions: 30th Anniver­sary Edi­tion is the ulti­mate gift for any fan of the icon­ic RPG series. This book fea­tures over 500 dif­fer­ent illus­tra­tions from Toriya­ma, stretch­ing from Drag­on Quest all the way to Drag­on Quest XI. Apple Watch Series 10 for $359Amazon has the Apple Watch Series 10 on sale for $359 this week­end, which nets you $70 off this extreme­ly pop­u­lar device. Series 10 marked Apple’s first wide-angle OLED dis­play on Apple Watch, with the device itself being the thinnest watch yet. If you’re not an Apple Watch own­er or some­one who has an old­er mod­el, this is the per­fect time to score an upgrade.Persona 5 Roy­al for $14.88Walmart has dig­i­tal Nin­ten­do Switch copies of Per­sona 5 Roy­al avail­able on sale for only $14.88. Act­ing as the defin­i­tive ver­sion of P5, Per­sona 5 Roy­al is one of the must-play RPG expe­ri­ences of the last gen­er­a­tion. This game offers well over 100 hours of con­tent, mak­ing this an excel­lent deal. Scott Pil­grim vs. The World 4K UHD Blu-ray for $12.99Scott Pil­grim vs. The World is a very beloved movie for many, and you can pick up the 4K Blu-ray this week­end for only $12.99. This pack­age includes a 4K UHD disc, a Blu-ray disc, and a dig­i­tal copy. We gave the movie an 8/10 in 2010, with the beat-em-up game receiv­ing an 8/10 as well.

  • DOORS Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)
    by Cal­lum Williams on 5. Jan­u­ar 2025 at 00:00

    Last updat­ed on Jan­u­ary 05, 2025: Checked for new DOORS codes!Need some free good­ies to help brave the hor­rors lurk­ing through­out DOORS? We’ve got your back. Below, you’ll find all the DOORS codes cur­rent­ly avail­able in Roblox’s pop­u­lar hor­ror game in Jan­u­ary 2025, so you can boost your chances of sur­vival with­out break­ing the bank.Active DOORS Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)Here are all of the cur­rent­ly active and work­ing DOORS codes for Jan­u­ary 2025:SIX2025 — 100 Knobs, 1 Revive (NEW!)SCREECHSUCKS — 25 Door­knob­sEx­pired DOORS Codes­Be­low, you’ll find a list of DOORS codes that are expired and no longer work as of Jan­u­ary 2025:5BTHEHUNT4BHow to Redeem DOORS CodesTo redeem DOORS codes, boot up the game and, once you’re in, fol­low the steps below:Look at the row of icons on the left-hand side of the screen. You’ll see five icons. Click on the shop­ping cart icon to access the shop tab.At the top of the tab, you’ll see the codes bar. Input your code here, being care­ful to make sure it’s in the right case and spelt correctly.Click the tick icon and you should see the resources you unlock appear at the bot­tom of the screen.Why Isn’t My DOORS Code Working?If your DOORS code isn’t work­ing, it’s like­ly due to one of two sce­nar­ios. The first is that the code was inputted incor­rect­ly. Make sure you have the code inputted exact­ly as it is in the Active Codes sec­tion above. You can even copy and paste codes direct­ly from this arti­cle over to Roblox if you want to make sure you’re inputting them correctly.The oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is the code has expired or you’ve already used it. If you’ve used it, you’ll get a mes­sage below the bar remind­ing you the inputted code has already been redeemed. If you’ve inputted it and it doesn’t recog­nise the code at all, it like­ly means it’s no longer avail­able to use and is expired.How to Get More DOORS Code­sIf you’re look­ing to scout out some DOORS codes your­self, the eas­i­est way is through the game’s offi­cial Dis­cord. After join­ing, you’ll be able to hop into the doors-announce­ments chan­nel to find all the lat­est codes as they drop.You can also fol­low the game’s offi­cial X chan­nel, where you’ll some­times get new code drops straight from the creators.What is DOORS in Roblox?DOORS is a coop­er­a­tive sur­vival hor­ror game where you’re tasked with enter­ing haunt­ed build­ings and pro­gress­ing as far as pos­si­ble. Along the way, you’ll go head-to-head with a series of super­nat­ur­al threats, work­ing with your team­mates to pro­ceed past them unscathed while bank­ing trea­sure and oth­er loot. The goal is to make it as far as pos­si­ble while col­lect­ing cash and door knobs to make your next run eas­i­er. So, how long can you survive?Callum Williams is an IGN free­lancer cov­er­ing fea­tures and guides. When he’s away from his desk, you can usu­al­ly find him obsess­ing over the lore of the lat­est obscure indie hor­ror game or bash­ing his head against a boss in the newest soul­s­like. You can catch him over on Twit­ter at @CaIIumWilliams.

  • RIVALS Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)
    by Cal­lum Williams on 5. Jan­u­ar 2025 at 00:00

    Last updat­ed Jan­u­ary 05, 2025: Checked for new RIVALS codes!Hoping to get some new good­ies to take down ene­mies in style in RIVALS? We’re here to help. Below, we’ve col­lect­ed all the active RIVALS codes cur­rent­ly avail­able for Roblox’s pop­u­lar first-per­son shoot­er, help­ing you get some new weapon wraps to fresh­en up your arsenal.Active RIVALS Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)Below, you’ll find the list of active and work­ing RIVALS codes for Jan­u­ary 2025:COMMUNITY10 — Ran­dom Weapon WrapCOMMUNITY9 — Com­mu­ni­ty Wrap For HandgunCOMMUNITY8 — Ran­dom Weapon Wrap­Ex­pired RIVALS Codes­The RIVALS codes list­ed below are expired and no longer work­ing as of Jan­u­ary 2025: THANKYOU_1BVISITS!COMMUNITY7How to Redeem RIVALS CodesTo redeem RIVALS codes, boot up the game and, once you’re in, fol­low the steps below:Look at the icons run­ning along the bot­tom of the screen. You’ll see sev­en labelled icons. Click on the Rewards icon labelled as gift.You’ll pull up the rewards tab. Scroll to the very bot­tom and you’ll see a bar labelled Redeem a Code.To be able to input codes into it, you’ll need to first fol­low both the cre­ators of the game on X. Log in to your X account (or cre­ate one) then fol­low Sen­sei­War­rior and Nosniy.When you’ve fol­lowed both of them, return to the game and put in your X account han­dle. If you’re fol­low­ing both cre­ators, you’ll access the codes bar.From here, input your cho­sen code and press Redeem to add the rewards to your account.Why Isn’t My RIVALS Code Working?If your RIVALS code isn’t work­ing, it’s like­ly due to one of two sce­nar­ios. The first is that the code was inputted incor­rect­ly. Make sure you have the code inputted cor­rect­ly with no spelling mis­takes before you hit claim. You can even copy and paste the codes direct­ly from this arti­cle over to Roblox if you want to make sure you’re inputting them correctly.The oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is the code has expired or you’ve already used it. If you’ve used it, you’ll get a pop-up inform­ing you the code’s been used. If you’ve inputted it and you get a pop-up say­ing the code has expired, it means it’s no longer avail­able to use.How to Get More RIVALS Code­sIf you’re look­ing to scout out some RIVALS codes your­self, the eas­i­est way is through the game’s offi­cial Dis­cord. After join­ing, you’ll be able to hop into the game-codes chan­nel to find all the lat­est codes as they drop.What is RIVALS in Roblox?RIVALS is a first-per­son shoot­er that focus­es on play­ers drop­ping into 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or 5v5 games against oth­er play­ers online. Once in a game, your goal is to elim­i­nate the oth­er team, but you have to be wary. You have a sin­gle life per round, mean­ing once you’re dead, you’re out of the fight until the next round. The set­up leads to plen­ty of tense fire­fights, forc­ing you to be tac­ti­cal, pre­cise and cau­tious to get the win.Callum Williams is an IGN free­lancer cov­er­ing fea­tures and guides. When he’s away from his desk, you can usu­al­ly find him obsess­ing over the lore of the lat­est obscure indie hor­ror game or bash­ing his head against a boss in the newest soul­s­like. You can catch him over on Twit­ter at @CaIIumWilliams.

  • Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)
    by Cal­lum Williams on 5. Jan­u­ar 2025 at 00:00

    Last updat­ed on Jan­u­ary 05, 2025: Checked for new Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends codes!If you’re in need of some extra coins in Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we’ve pulled togeth­er all of the active codes for Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends, so you can earn extra loot instant­ly in the Roblox bas­ket­ball game.Active Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)Below, you’ll find a list of the cur­rent­ly active and work­ing Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends codes for Jan­u­ary 2025:260KLIKES — CoinsSANTA24 — CoinsXMAS24 — Rewards 250KLIKES — Coin­sCOIN­BOOST — 2x Coin­sEx­pired Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends Codes­The fol­low­ing Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends codes are expired and no longer work­ing as of Jan­u­ary 2025:TYFOR100K240KLIKESFESTIVE24ALMOSTXMAS230KLIKES220KLIKESTHANKSGIVING24SPOOKY2How to Redeem Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends CodesTo redeem Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends codes, boot up the game and, once you’re in, fol­low the steps below:Look at the icons on the left-hand side of the screen. You’ll see six labelled icons. Click on the star sym­bol labelled Codes. It’ll pull up the codes tab.Enter your code into the code bar, being care­ful to make sure it’s in the right case and spelt correctly.Click Claim and you’ll earn resources. There’s no mes­sage indi­cat­ing your resources have been added, so check your inven­to­ry or the coin counter to make sure it was successful.Why Isn’t My Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends Code Working?If your Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends code isn’t work­ing, it’s like­ly due to one of two sce­nar­ios. The first is that the code was inputted incor­rect­ly. Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends’ codes screen allows you to type text in low­er or upper case, so make sure you have the code inputted cor­rect­ly before you hit claim. You can even copy and paste the codes direct­ly from this arti­cle over to Roblox if you want to make sure you’re inputting them correctly.The oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is the code has expired or you’ve already used it. If you’ve used it, you’ll get a mes­sage with­in the code box remind­ing you it has already been redeemed. If you’ve inputted it and it doesn’t recog­nise the code at all, you’ll get a mes­sage read­ing “Code Invalid.” If you’ve spelt it cor­rect­ly but it still isn’t work­ing, that means the code is no longer available.How to Get More Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends Defense Code­sIf you’re look­ing to scout out some Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends codes your­self, the eas­i­est way is through the Infin­i­ty Sports offi­cial Discord.Once you’re in, head to the Codes and Info chan­nel and select the “Codes” option at the bot­tom of the chat. It’ll show you all the avail­able codes for each of Infin­i­ty Sports’ games. Any­thing below Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends will be avail­able to use, so feel free to copy and paste them direct­ly into the game.What is Bas­ket­ball Leg­ends in Roblox?Basketball Leg­ends is a free-to-play Roblox bas­ket­ball game that allows you to hop into some heat­ed games online against rivals or friends. In essence, it’s exact­ly what it says on the tin, so jump on in, shoot some hoops and cement your­self as the next bas­ket­ball legend.Callum Williams is an IGN free­lancer cov­er­ing fea­tures and guides. When he’s away from his desk, you can usu­al­ly find him obsess­ing over the lore of the lat­est obscure indie hor­ror game or bash­ing his head against a boss in the newest soul­s­like. You can catch him over on Twit­ter at @CaIIumWilliams.

  • Evade Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)
    by Cal­lum Williams on 5. Jan­u­ar 2025 at 00:00

    Last updat­ed on Jan­u­ary 05, 2025: Checked for new Evade codes!If you’re on the hunt for some redeemable codes to help con­quer Evade’s free-roam­ing world in style, then you’re in the right place. On this page, you’ll find all the cur­rent and active Evade codes avail­able in the pop­u­lar free-run­ning Roblox hit, so you can grab your­self some tokens and oth­er good­ies instantly.Active Evade Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)Here are the cur­rent­ly active and work­ing Evade codes for Jan­u­ary 2025:apology — 1000 tokensthebig5 — 555 tokens444 — 444 tokens222 — 222 token­sEx­pired Evade Codes­The fol­low­ing Evade codes are expired and no longer work as of Jan­u­ary 2025:therealdealHow to Redeem Evade CodesTo redeem Evade codes, boot up the game and, once you’re in, fol­low the steps below:As you reach the main menu, look at the five icons in the bot­tom right-hand cor­ner of the screen. Click on the codes tab marked by the X / Twit­ter icon.Enter your code into the code bar, being care­ful to make sure it’s in the right case and spelt correctly.Click ENTER and you should see the resources you unlock appear just below the code bar.Why Isn’t My Evade Code Working?If your Evade code isn’t work­ing, it’s like­ly due to one of two sce­nar­ios. The first is that the code was inputted incor­rect­ly. Evade’s codes are often in low­er­case, so make sure you have the code inputted cor­rect­ly before you hit claim. You can even copy and paste the codes direct­ly from this arti­cle over to Roblox if you want to make sure you’re inputting them correctly.The oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is the code has expired or you’ve already used it. If you’ve used it, you’ll get a mes­sage below the bar remind­ing you it has already been redeemed. If you’ve inputted it and it doesn’t recog­nise the code at all, it like­ly means it’s no longer avail­able to use.How to Get More Evade Code­sIf you’re look­ing to scout out some Evade codes your­self, the eas­i­est way is through the game’s offi­cial Dis­cord, which you can find here. After join­ing, you’ll be able to hop into the announce­ments chan­nel to find all the lat­est codes as they drop.You can also fol­low the game’s com­mu­ni­ty page on X, which occa­sion­al­ly posts codes from time to time.What is Evade in Roblox?Evade is a mul­ti­play­er sur­vival game with a unique twist. A team of play­ers are dropped onto a map with sev­er­al ene­mies (known as NextBots) patrolling the area. Their one objec­tive is to sur­vive until the timer runs out by using park­our to quick­ly nav­i­gate the envi­ron­ment and dodge NextBots, all the while reviv­ing downed team mem­bers and ensur­ing their team makes it out safely.Callum Williams is an IGN free­lancer cov­er­ing fea­tures and guides. When he’s away from his desk, you can usu­al­ly find him obsess­ing over the lore of the lat­est obscure indie hor­ror game or bash­ing his head against a boss in the newest soul­s­like. You can catch him over on Twit­ter at @CaIIumWilliams.

  • Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)
    by Cal­lum Williams on 5. Jan­u­ar 2025 at 00:00

    Last updat­ed Jan­u­ary 05, 2025: Checked for new Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor codes!If you’re look­ing to beef up your Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor hive with some free redeemable codes, we have you cov­ered. This arti­cle has com­piled all of the active Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor codes cur­rent­ly avail­able, so you can get your hands on plen­ty of rewards instant­ly. Before we get stuck in, it’s worth briefly men­tion­ing that cer­tain codes will require you to be part of the Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Club to access them. This club is entire­ly free to join and we’ll detail how a lit­tle fur­ther down.Active Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)Below, you’ll find all of the cur­rent­ly active and work­ing Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor codes for Jan­u­ary 2025ThreeBeeVee (must be in the group Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Club to redeem) — Var­i­ous Resources15MMembers (must be in the group Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Club to redeem) — Var­i­ous Resources 38217 — 5 TicketsBeesBuzz123 — 1 Cloud Vial, 5 Bit­ter­ber­ries, 10 Gum­drops­Bop­Mas­ter — 5 Tick­etsCon­nois­seur — 5 Tick­et­sNec­tar — 5,000 Hon­ey­Wax — 5 Tick­ets, 5,000 Hon­ey­Roof — 5 Tick­etsCrawlers — 5 Tick­etsClubBean (requires Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Club mem­ber­ship) — Var­i­ous reward­sEx­pired Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Codes­The fol­low­ing Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor codes are expired and no longer work as of Jan­u­ary 2025:Boo Swar­mOc­to­bers­masHow to Redeem Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor CodesTo redeem Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Codes, boot up the game and, once you’re in, fol­low the steps below:Look at the icons in the top left-hand cor­ner of the screen. You’ll see six icons. Click on the gear icon to bring up the set­tings tab.At the top of the menu that appears, you’ll see a Pro­mo Codes bar. Type your code in here.Click Redeem and you should see the resources you unlock appear in the bot­tom right-hand corner.How to Join Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor ClubCer­tain Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor codes are exclu­sive to mem­bers of the Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Club. Luck­i­ly, this mem­ber­ship is com­plete­ly free and easy to get. To sub­scribe, click this link. It’ll take you to the Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Club page.From here, make sure you’re logged in with the Roblox account you play on, then press the fol­low but­ton. Just like that, you’re a part of Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Club, and you’ll be able to access any restrict­ed codes.Why Isn’t My Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Code Working?If your Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor code isn’t work­ing, it’s like­ly due to one of two sce­nar­ios. The first is that the code was inputted incor­rect­ly. Check the spelling, make sure you’ve added any num­bers and the case is cor­rect, then redeem again. You can even copy and paste the codes direct­ly from this arti­cle over to Roblox if you want to make sure you’re inputting them correctly.The oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is the code has expired or you’ve already used it. In both sce­nar­ios, you should see an error mes­sage pop up in the bot­tom right-hand cor­ner of the screen. Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor is also unique in that cer­tain codes are locked behind a mem­ber­ship to Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Club. Luck­i­ly, this is entire­ly free, so if your error mes­sage men­tions that you aren’t sub­scribed, fol­low the instruc­tions above to sub­scribe to the group and get access to the exclu­sive codes.How to Get More Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor Code­sIf you’re look­ing to scout out some Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor codes your­self, the eas­i­est way is through the game’s offi­cial Dis­cord. After join­ing, you’ll be able to hop into the bss-news chan­nel to find all the lat­est codes as they drop.You can also fol­low Onett on X, where the cre­ator fre­quent­ly drops new codes for the community.What is Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor in Roblox?Bee Swarm Sim­u­la­tor is a bee farm­ing game, where you col­lect resources by hatch­ing your own hive of colour­ful bees, mak­ing hon­ey, defeat­ing ene­mies and com­plet­ing quests. The more you play, the more expan­sive your hive becomes, allow­ing you to tack­le trick­i­er ene­mies and con­tin­ue your quest to become the ulti­mate beekeeper.Callum Williams is an IGN free­lancer cov­er­ing fea­tures and guides. When he’s away from his desk, you can usu­al­ly find him obsess­ing over the lore of the lat­est obscure indie hor­ror game or bash­ing his head against a boss in the newest soul­s­like. You can catch him over on Twit­ter at @CaIIumWilliams.

  • Crea­tures of Sonar­ia Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)
    by Cal­lum Williams on 5. Jan­u­ar 2025 at 00:00

    Look­ing to score some free good­ies in Crea­tures of Sonar­ia? Check out these codes.

  • Dri­ving Empire Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)
    by Cal­lum Williams on 5. Jan­u­ar 2025 at 00:00

    Last updat­ed on Jan­u­ary 05, 2025: Checked for new Dri­ving Empire codes!Looking to earn some free items and resources in Dri­ving Empire? We’ve got you cov­ered. Below, you’ll find all of the free codes cur­rent­ly redeemable in the game, so you can stock up on new cos­met­ics and oth­er use­ful resources.Active Dri­ving Empire Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)Here are all of the cur­rent­ly active and work­ing Dri­ving Empire codes in Jan­u­ary 2025 that you can redeem for free rewards:NewYear2025 — $75,000 (NEW!)ZOOM — 2023 Fair­way Zoomer­Ex­pired Dri­ving Empire Codes­Be­low, you’ll find a list of expired Dri­ving Empire codes that no longer work and can’t be redeemed in Jan­u­ary 2025:THANKYOU50YEARS911TURBO1MILLIONLIKES950KLikesCARCRUSHERSHow to Redeem Dri­ving Empire CodesTo redeem Dri­ving Empire codes, boot up the Roblox Expe­ri­ence and, once you’re in, fol­low the steps below:Look at the tabs next to the dol­lar counter in the bot­tom left-hand side of the screen. You’ll see icons for three tabs. Click on the gear icon to bring up the set­tings tab. As you do, you’ll see the codes bar.Input your code in this bar, being care­ful to make sure it’s in the right case and spelt correctly.Click the sub­mit but­ton and you should see the resources you unlock appear at the bot­tom of the screen.Why Isn’t My Dri­ving Empire Code Working?If your Dri­ving Empire code isn’t work­ing, it’s like­ly due to one of two sce­nar­ios. The first is that the code was inputted incor­rect­ly. Make sure you have the code inputted exact­ly as it is in the Active Codes sec­tion above. You can even copy and paste codes direct­ly from this arti­cle over to Roblox if you want to make sure you’re inputting them correctly.The oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is the code has expired or you’ve already used it. If you’ve used it, you’ll get a mes­sage below the bar remind­ing you the inputted code has already been redeemed. If you’ve inputted it and it doesn’t recog­nise the code at all, it like­ly means it’s no longer avail­able to use and is expired.How to Get More Dri­ving Empire Code­sIf you’re look­ing to track down new codes the moment they become avail­able, you’ll want to make sure you’re a mem­ber of Dri­ving Empire’s offi­cial Dis­cord serv­er. If you keep an eye on the Updates chan­nel, you’ll see the devel­op­ers reveal­ing new codes you can cash in with­in their posts. You should also fol­low the game’s offi­cial X account, which will pub­lish these codes when they become available.What is Dri­ving Empire in Roblox?Driving Empire is a rac­ing game where play­ers get behind the wheel of light­ning-fast sports cars and pit them­selves against oth­er dri­vers online. Along the way, they can col­lect a vast array of new rides, cus­tomize them with pur­chasable parts and cos­met­ics, and com­pete in hot­ly con­test­ed com­mu­ni­ty events. So, do you have what it takes to become the ulti­mate racer?Callum Williams is a free­lance media writer with years of expe­ri­ence as a game crit­ic, news reporter, guides writer and fea­tures writer.

  • Ani­me Shad­ow Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)
    by Cal­lum Williams on 5. Jan­u­ar 2025 at 00:00

    Look­ing for free tick­ets in Ani­me Shad­ow? These codes have you covered.

  • It Girl Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)
    by Cal­lum Williams on 5. Jan­u­ar 2025 at 00:00

    Last updat­ed on Jan­u­ary 05, 2025: Checked for new It Girl codes!Looking for extra dia­monds or new cos­met­ics in It Girl? This page has com­piled every redeemable code cur­rent­ly avail­able in It Girl, so you can instant­ly get your hands on both in the Roblox fash­ion game.Active It Girl Codes (Jan­u­ary 2025)Below, you’ll find a list of every active and work­ing It Girl code for Jan­u­ary 2025:ITGIRLWINTER — Reward­sthank you dia­monds — Dia­mond­sIT­GIRL — 250x DiamondsPH4NT0MM4X — Free Mask Item­TAVER­SIA — Rose Crown Item­MAD­DYAFK — 200x DiamondsRUPAULSD0LL — Sil­ver Crown itemHow to Redeem It Girl CodesTo redeem It Girl codes, launch the game and, once you’re in, fol­low the steps below:Look at the icons on the left-hand side of the screen. You’ll see two icons above the dia­mond counter. Click on the gear icon to open the set­tings tab. At the top of the tab, you’ll see a codes bar.Input your code in this bar, being care­ful to make sure it’s in the right case and spelt correctly.Click the Redeem but­ton and you should see a mes­sage con­firm­ing the code was suc­cess­ful at the bot­tom of the screen.Why Isn’t My It Girl Code Working?If your It Girl code isn’t work­ing, it’s like­ly due to one of two sce­nar­ios. The first is that the code was inputted incor­rect­ly. Make sure you have the code inputted exact­ly as it is in the Active Codes sec­tion above. You can even copy and paste codes direct­ly from this arti­cle over to Roblox if you want to make sure you’re inputting them correctly.The oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is the code has expired or you’ve already used it. If you’ve used it, you’ll get a mes­sage below the bar remind­ing you the inputted code has already been redeemed. If you’ve inputted the code and it doesn’t recog­nise it at all, it like­ly means it’s no longer avail­able to use.How to Get More It Girl Code­sIf you’re look­ing to scout out some It Girl codes your­self, the eas­i­est way is through the game’s offi­cial Dis­cord serv­er. Once you’re in, you can check the announce­ments chan­nel for new codes, or chat with the com­mu­ni­ty to see if any new codes have been released.What is It Girl in Roblox?It Girl is a fash­ion game where play­ers are assigned a theme, dropped into a chang­ing room and tasked with cre­at­ing a unique look to match it. From chang­ing your hair­style and clothes to pick­ing your make­up and acces­sories, you’re giv­en free rein to mix and match out­fit pieces to cre­ate a strik­ing design before mod­el­ling it for the oth­er play­ers in your lob­by. If you’ve cre­at­ed a top-rat­ed out­fit, you win expe­ri­ence, allow­ing you to lev­el up and con­tin­ue push­ing towards your goal of being the ulti­mate It Girl model.Callum Williams is an IGN free­lancer cov­er­ing fea­tures and guides. When he’s away from his desk, you can usu­al­ly find him obsess­ing over the lore of the lat­est obscure indie hor­ror game or bash­ing his head against a boss in the newest soul­s­like. You can catch him over on Twit­ter at @CaIIumWilliams.

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