Why the U.K. Heat Wave Isn’t Like the Summer of 1976
Nostalgic memories of a long hot spell decades ago have become part of the currency of political debate.
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Nostalgic memories of a long hot spell decades ago have become part of the currency of political debate.
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In a country more accustomed to temperate weather, a brutal heat wave tested Britain’s infrastructure and forced millions to choose between a Stygian commute or a stifling home office.
Temperatures may top 100 degrees Fahrenheit in some areas, a rarity that has prompted a national emergency.
A heat wave that has caused fires to rage in southwestern France and Spain is moving north toward Britain, which may see its highest recorded temperatures ever.
Boris Johnson may be a polarizing figure in Britain, but in Ukraine he is widely adored for his unstinting support since the conflict with Russia.
The Conservative Party must decide not only who should succeed the scandal-tarred British prime minister, but also when he should go.
The British prime minister thought he could swagger and dissemble his way through any scandal, but found the rules of gravity applied after all.
In a dizzying two days, Conservative Party lawmakers who had defended the prime minister through crises turned against him, and now some are vying to replace him despite harsh economic headwinds.
The choice of Britain’s next prime minister falls to the governing Conservatives, whose lawmakers pushed Boris Johnson to resign and now have to reinvent their party without him.
The risk-taking bravado of Britain’s colorful prime minister was not enough to compensate for his shortcomings, or overcome a catastrophic loss of party support.
A rebellion of Mr. Johnson’s cabinet, a catastrophic loss of party support and a wholesale exodus of ministers brought a fitting end to a career defined by gleeful disregard for rules.
The prime minister’s contrition opened the floodgates.
A wave of resignations and calls for him to step down showed the prime minister’s support within his Conservative Party melting away, but he remained defiant.
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Im Moselort Kröv sind Teile eines Hotels eingestürzt. Unter den Trümmern könnten sich nach Polizeiangaben neun Menschen befinden.
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