After Decades of War in Afghanistan, ISIS and Al Qaeda Can Still Wreak Havoc

The U.S. and its allies waged war for 20 years to try to defeat ter­ror­ists in Afghanistan. A dou­ble-sui­­cide bomb­ing demon­strat­ed that they remain a threat.

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Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more

How Local Guerrilla Fighters Routed Ethiopia’s Powerful Army

A scrap­py force of local Tigrayan recruits scored a cas­cade of bat­tle­field vic­to­ries against the Ethiopi­an mil­i­tary, one of Africa’s strongest. Times jour­nal­ists wit­nessed the deci­sive week in an eight-month civ­il war. Tags: suchen suche search […]

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Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more

Captured Ethiopian Soldiers Marched Through Tigray to Prison

The scale of the loss suf­fered by one of Africa’s most pow­er­ful armies was on vivid dis­play on Fri­day as thou­sands of gov­ern­ment troops were parad­ed through Mekelle, the region­al cap­i­tal of Tigray.

‘I Didn’t Expect to Make It Back Alive’: An Interview With Tigray’s Leader

The leader of the restive Ethiopi­an region pre­sent­ed the rebels’ side of a con­flict that plunged the coun­try into chaos after Prime Min­is­ter Abiy Ahmed began a mil­i­tary oper­a­tion there in November.

Jubilant Tigray Capital Greets Insurgents After Ethiopian Retreat

The cap­ture of the cap­i­tal, Mekelle, by Tigrayan forces was a major blow to Ethiopia’s leader, eight months into a war that has result­ed in wide­spread famine and one of the world’s worst human­i­tar­i­an crises.

Dreams in the Rubble: An Israeli Airstrike and the 22 Lives Lost

The bomb­ing of a Gaza apart­ment build­ing has become a focus of debate over civil­ian casu­al­ties in the Hamas-Israel war. For the peo­ple who lived there, it was much more than that.

Netanyahu’s Road Through Israel’s History, in Pictures

A pho­to­graph­ic jour­ney shows how ‘Bibi’ put his stamp on Israel — through his tough­ness and the search for secu­ri­ty in an unsta­ble region.

Seeking to Restore Palestinian Links, Blinken Risks New Frictions With Israel

The U.S. sec­re­tary of state drew thanks from Israeli offi­cials for sup­port­ing their right to self-defense against Hamas. But he risked anger­ing Israel in his diplo­mat­ic out­reach to Palestinians.