Could Cyberwar Make the World Safer?

Hack­ing, like war, is the con­tin­u­a­tion of pol­i­tics by oth­er means, but with­out the inevitable sac­ri­fice of lives.

Tags: design TT Mod­ell­bahn TT H0 N schal­ten mod­elleisen­bahn bahn spiele­max preise 

Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more

Israeli Spyware Maker Is in Spotlight Amid Reports of Wide Abuses

Data leaked to a con­sor­tium of news orga­ni­za­tions sug­gests that sev­er­al coun­tries use Pega­sus, a pow­er­ful cyberes­pi­onage tool, to spy on rights activists, dis­si­dents and jour­nal­ists. Tags: design TT Mod­ell­bahn TT H0 N schal­ten mod­elleisen­bahn […]

Tags: design TT Mod­ell­bahn TT H0 N schal­ten mod­elleisen­bahn bahn spiele­max preise 

Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more

Biden Warns Putin to Act Against Russian Ransomware Group

Mr. Biden’s phone call appeared to be a point­ed ulti­ma­tum to stop the hack­ers, who have attacked com­put­er net­works in the Unit­ed States with rel­a­tive impunity.

Attempted Hack of R.N.C. and Russian Ransomware Attack Test Biden

The breach of a Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee con­trac­tor, also linked to Rus­sia, and the glob­al ran­somware attack occurred weeks after a U.S.-Russian summit.

How the Pentagon Papers Shaped the Power of the Free Press

The Pen­ta­gon Papers cre­at­ed a del­i­cate bal­ance of pow­er between the press and the gov­ern­ment. Late­ly, it’s being threatened.

Bitcoin and Encryption: A Race Between Criminals and the F.B.I.

The F.B.I. scored two major vic­to­ries, recov­er­ing a Bit­coin ran­som and trick­ing law­break­ers with an encryp­tion app. But crim­i­nals may still have the upper hand.

U.S. Seizes Share of Ransom From Hackers in Colonial Pipeline Attack

Inves­ti­ga­tors traced 75 Bit­coins worth more than $4 mil­lion through near­ly two dozen cryp­tocur­ren­cy accounts.

Ransomware Disrupts Meat Plants in Latest Attack on Critical U.S. Business

All of JBS’s beef plants in the U.S. were shut­tered on Tues­day, and many of its pork and poul­try plants were affect­ed, accord­ing to a union and Face­book posts meant for employees.

Colonial Pipeline Hack Shows Risk to US Energy Independence

The coun­try relies less on for­eign oil than it used to, but pipelines and grids are increas­ing­ly vul­ner­a­ble to cyber­at­tacks and extreme weather.

U.S. Energy Independence Threatened by Hackers and Climate Change

The coun­try relies less on for­eign oil than it used to, but pipelines and grids are increas­ing­ly vul­ner­a­ble to cyber­at­tacks and extreme weather.