Lauren Boebert leads Colorado Republicans in pushing Trump’s baseless election claims


Among Colorado Republicans, Congresswoman-elect Lauren Boebert has emerged as the most ardent and outspoken advocate of President Donald Trump’s unproven claims of widespread election fraud.

At a time when congressional Republicans from Colorado are shying away and remaining mum on election results — neither acknowledging President-elect Joe Biden’s victory nor endorsing Trump’s accusations — Boebert has unabashedly claimed that America’s presidential election was fraudulent.

“There is no way that anyone can call the 2020 presidential election fair. We have to make this right,” Boebert told her massive social media following Sunday.

During a brief interview Monday afternoon, conducted during a break in Boebert’s freshman orientation, the congresswoman-elect was asked whether she is convinced Trump beat Biden. She stopped short of making that claim.

“This is a contested election. I’m convinced that President Trump should not stop fighting to prove the results to be fair and just and legal,” she replied.

“This isn’t a radical position to take, to question whether all legal votes are accounted for, and we should always want that. So, I think we should be going through every measure possible to make sure that we get there,” she added.

Boebert, a 33-year-old Rifle Republican, will take office in early January and represent much of Colorado’s western half, along with large swaths of southern Colorado. She defeated Diane Mitsch Bush, a Democrat, by about 27,000 votes, or 6 percentage points. Boebert says her own election was fair and accurate.

“I said from the onset that Colorado has a better history of mail-in security. You could recount my election results all day long and I’d win,” she said. “But I think it’s fair game to allow the president to exhaust his legal means to challenge election results, especially when you consider he performed at historic levels.”

On Saturday and again Monday, Boebert claimed it was “fake news” that Joe Biden received more votes than former President Barack Obama received in 2008, echoing a popular theory among Trump supporters. But Biden did, because there were 25 million more eligible voters this year than in 2008, and because turnout was higher this year than in 2008 — or in any other election in the past century.

On Monday, Boebert also questioned how Biden could have received a record 80 million votes — she refers to them as “his alleged 80 million votes” — in a year when Republicans gained seats in the U.S. House. But House results do not always mirror presidential results; Republicans won the presidency in 2000 and 2016, but Democrats gained congressional seats those years, for example.

Trump, meanwhile, has failed to provide evidence of widespread voter fraud, losing repeatedly in courts across the country. Election officials from both major political parties have certified election results in nearly all key battleground states and the Electoral College is scheduled to certify Biden’s victory in two weeks, on Dec. 14.

David Pourshoushtari, a spokesman for the Colorado Democratic Party, accused Boebert of peddling conspiracy theories and said she should instead focus on crafting legislation for the next Congress.

“It’s an embarrassment and a disservice to the people of Congressional District 3,” he said of her election fraud claims.

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