A world without Donald Trump would be a little better! – today

Diego Maradona

Republican accidentally calls Biden “President-elect”
The US Senator and Republican Marsha Blackburn called the election winner Biden an “elected president”, but later withdrew it. As the portal “Slate” reports, she was asked in a live interview on the ABC broadcaster whether she had “congratulated the elected president”. She replied, “No, I have not spoken to the President-elect.” The future Vice President Kamala Harris also referred to her as the “elected Vice President”. A spokeswoman for the politician from Tennessee later said she had made a mistake. Blackburn also asked Trump in the interview to provide evidence of his election fraud allegations.

Warren: Silent Republicans are accomplices
Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren calls on Republicans to stop remaining silent on Trump’s unproven election fraud allegations. “Let me be very clear: Republicans who remain silent, dodging questions or giving out meaningless Vishi Vashi releases while the government refuses to admit defeat and spreads false information on a daily basis are accomplices in a dangerous attack on the core foundation our democracy. ”

Sanders compares Trump with Nero

The non-party US Senator Bernie Sanders compares President Trump to the Roman Emperor Nero. “Nero played the fiddle when Rome was on fire. Trump, the most dangerous president of all time, plays golf and sends nonsensical tweets out in the outrageous and desperate attempt to reverse the election, which he lost by more than six million votes. Bye-bye, Trump, you are not going to destroy American democracy.

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