Did Trump vote by letter?


US President fears disadvantages if many voters rely on the mail – and therefore appoints a new head of the agency.

In times of the deadly coronavirus epidemic, making presidential elections resistant to contagion risks, in other words: making it easier to vote by mail in order to make going to the polling station superfluous, sounds like a “no-brainer”. Americans like to use the word when they want to say: You don’t need a brain. That goes without saying.

Mistake. Nothing goes without saying in 2020. President Donald Trump, who, according to polls on November 3rd, must fear his re-election, is thwarting the expansion of the “mail-in voting” method – and doing so as much as possible. Since March he has repeated an unsubstantiated assertion 80 times: The postal vote is extremely susceptible to fraud, and America is threatened with the “most marked election in history”. All developments regarding the US election 2020 in the news blog.

US President Trump wants to sabotage the expansion of postal votes

Experts and practitioners in the responsible states, some of whom such as Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Utah and Arizona have been voting almost exclusively by postal vote for a long time, consider this to be “absurd disinformation”. They remind you that Trump himself voted several times by letter. Since traditionally metropolitan, Democratic voters were more likely to use postal votes than Republicans in rural areas, the president is undermining trust in the fairness and integrity of the elections and is trying to curb voter turnout, comment the US media.

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