Vic Fangio hopes young Broncos’ offense treats poor practice as learning tool

Bron­cos quar­ter­back Drew Lock likes to say he doesn’t want to make the same mis­take twice and treats each error as an acquired lesson.

Lock and the rest of the offense will have plen­ty to learn from when they return to the Bron­cos’ facil­i­ty on Mon­day morn­ing to video of Saturday’s prac­tice at Mile High.

The Bron­cos’ sec­ondary inter­cept­ed four pass­es and cre­at­ed all kinds of pass-rush pressure.

“I’ve always been a guy who has learned more from mis­takes than when it’s ros­es all the time,” Lock said. “It will be good for us to go back and see how we strug­gled and what we did wrong, espe­cial­ly for the young guys.

“It’s big to strug­gle ear­ly. I feel like, I would rather us strug­gle now, obvi­ous­ly, and then be great when the sea­son comes along.”

The sea­son comes along Sept. 14 against Ten­nessee, leav­ing the Bron­cos at least nine prac­tices to clean things up.

Cor­ner­back Davon­tae Har­ris and safeties P.J. Locke, Trey Mar­shall and Justin Sim­mons all had interceptions.

So, coach Vic Fan­gio, encour­aged to see that from the defense, but con­cerned to see that from the offense?

“It all depends on which lens you’re look­ing through,” he said. “If you’re an offen­sive play­er or an offen­sive coach, you didn’t like it. If you’re a defen­sive play­er or a defen­sive coach, you liked it. Obvi­ous­ly, we can’t have that many turnovers on offense. It would be great to get that many on defense each and every week.”

Lock was inter­cept­ed by Har­ris on a mis­com­mu­ni­ca­tion with receiv­er Court­land Sutton.

“It was called ‘Pump’ in the hud­dle and Mr. Lock didn’t throw the pump — he threw the curl,” Lock said. “That will result in a pick most of the time. That one’s on me.”

Said Fan­gio: “I think (Sat­ur­day) will be a very good learn­ing expe­ri­ence for Drew and the entire offense. There is a sto­ry behind every inter­cep­tion, be it poor read or poor throw on his part or a poor route on some­body else’s part. I think it was a very valu­able day for him.”

Thank­ful­ly for the offense, the pumped-in crowd noise doesn’t fea­ture a track for boos.

Fans who would have attend­ed would have been con­cerned by the offense and the injuries. On the fourth play of the day, right guard Gra­ham Glas­gow limped off with an ankle injury and was replaced by Austin Schlottmann.

Lat­er, out­side line­backer Bradley Chubb had his left knee exam­ined by train­ers; he tore his left ACL last Sept. 30. Chubb had an ice pack on the knee before tak­ing it off and ing prac­tice from the sideline.

“Bradley just didn’t feel right out there so (being) pre­cau­tion­ary, we took him out,” Fan­gio said.

Out­side line­backer Von Miller, who tore his ACL in 2013, vis­it­ed with Chubb on the side­line through­out practice.

“I don’t think it’s a seri­ous injury,” Miller said. “Now is not the time to push it. I told him, ‘We’re Fer­raris and some­times, the check engine light comes on.’ That doesn’t mean the car is bro­ken. He was kind of dis­ap­point­ed not to be out there, but he’s still work­ing his way back. I have all the faith he’ll be ready for the first game.”

Before the first game, the final cuts will hap­pen next Sat­ur­day, fol­low­ing five con­sec­u­tive days of practice.

“I like our team,” Fan­gio said. “I like where we’re at. Obvi­ous­ly, we wish some of the guys who have missed time with nag­ging injuries were prac­tic­ing. We have five days of prac­tice this com­ing week before we get into Ten­nessee Week and these are prob­a­bly the most valu­able prac­tices we’ll have in camp. We have to take advan­tage of them, iron some things out, get sharp and get ready for our opener.”

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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