Veteran Flags — - today

Veteran Flags


Each year the U.S. Depart­ment of Vet­er­ans Affairs issues almost a half-mil­lion vet­er­an flags to drape the cas­kets of deceased vet­er­ans. All hon­or­ably dis­charged vet­er­ans are enti­tled to vet­er­an flags which, upon inter­ment, are fold­ed and pre­sent­ed to the fam­i­lies as a keep­sake. is your online resource for 100% Solar­MaxTM nylon vet­er­an flags, mil­i­tary flags and oth­er patri­ot­ic flags and products.

Only one bur­ial flag may be pro­vid­ed per vet­er­an. Usu­al­ly the funer­al direc­tor obtains the inter­ment flags; how­ev­er, every vet­er­an, and the fam­i­ly of every vet­er­an, should be aware of this spe­cial provision.

In addi­tion to vet­er­an flags, we offer oth­er a com­plete line of mil­i­tary flags, includ­ing Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine and Coast Guard flags, as well as POW-MIA and Ser­vice Ban­ners. Our dou­ble-sided POW-MIA flag is also con­struct­ed of 100% Solar­Max nylon fab­ric. The POW-MIA insignia is vis­i­ble on both sides of this high qual­i­ty flag. All of our print­ed nylon flags fea­ture a unique dye pen­e­tra­tion for long last­ing col­or and resis­tance to UV fading.

A ser­vice flag or ser­vice ban­ner in the Unit­ed States is an offi­cial ban­ner that fam­i­ly mem­bers of ser­vice mem­bers in harm’s way can dis­play. This mil­i­tary flag or ban­ner is defined as a white field with a red bor­der, with a blue star for each fam­i­ly mem­ber in active duty. A gold star with a blue edge rep­re­sents a fam­i­ly mem­ber that died dur­ing ser­vice, with­out spec­i­fy­ing cause of death. The deceased might have been killed in action, or died due to unre­lat­ed caus­es. These flags were first used in World War I, with sub­se­quent stan­dard­iza­tion and cod­i­fi­ca­tion by the end of World War II. They were not pop­u­lar dur­ing the Viet­nam War, but have come back into use. In mod­ern usage, an orga­ni­za­tion may dis­play a ser­vice flag if one of its mem­bers is serv­ing active duty.

Funer­al home direc­tors often find it ben­e­fi­cial to pur­chase vet­er­ans flags in bulk to elim­i­nate hav­ing to obtain one at the last minute for a funer­al. At, we wel­come cus­tomers that pur­chase in bulk. 


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