Trump wants 238,000 votes in Wisconsin to be invalidated — - today

A vote recount in Wis­con­sin, request­ed and fund­ed by Trump’s cam­paign team, increased Joe Biden’s lead by 132 votes. But Don­ald Trump by no means gives the state lost. He now wants to achieve that a total of 238,000 votes are dis­qual­i­fied. Name­ly those that were cast before the elec­tion day as part of the ear­ly vot­ing, as well as postal votes from vot­ers who, accord­ing to their own infor­ma­tion, can­not leave their apart­ment and are there­fore exempt from the oth­er­wise applic­a­ble iden­ti­fi­ca­tion require­ment. The elec­tion in Wis­con­sin was decid­ed by around 20,000 votes for Biden. Since most of the postal and ear­ly votes went to the Democ­rats, their exclu­sion could tip the elec­tion result.

Trump gives the first inter­view since election
At 10 a.m. local time in Wash­ing­ton, so short­ly, the elect­ed US pres­i­dent will give his first detailed inter­view since the Novem­ber 3rd elec­tion. The select­ed medi­um is — despite Trump’s recent vio­lent crit­i­cism of the sta­tion — his old favorite chan­nel Fox News.

Vice Gov­er­nor: Supreme Court will teach Trump a lesson
After one legal defeat after anoth­er, the hope of Trump’s legal team rests in the US Supreme Court, the high­est court in Wash­ing­ton with its large con­ser­v­a­tive major­i­ty of judges. The Vice-Gov­er­nor of Penn­syl­va­nia, John Fet­ter­man, looks calm­ly before a law­suit by the Repub­li­cans against the elec­tion results in his state. He even hopes so, because the Trump team will be taught a les­son from the Supreme Court (lit­er­al­ly: “They’re gonna get their clock cleaned there”), just as they have done sev­er­al times by the Penn­syl­va­nia courts. A rul­ing by the Supreme Court could final­ly resolve the mat­ter, Fet­ter­man told CNN.

“NYT”: Israel’s killing of Iran’s nuclear physi­cist was pos­si­bly Biden’s plan
In a com­men­tary on the mur­der of the Iran­ian top nuclear physi­cist Mohsen Fachrisadeh, the “New York Times” sus­pect­ed that Israel might have tried with the elim­i­na­tion to tor­pe­do Joe Biden’s plans to resume the nuclear deal with Iran after he took office. In view of the renewed ten­sions between Wash­ing­ton and Tehran that fol­lowed, it is said that “the mur­der of the sci­en­tist […] threat­ens to ruin the efforts of Pres­i­dent-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. to revive the nuclear deal with Iran before he can even begin his diplo­ma­cy with Tehran. And that could well have been the main objec­tive of the oper­a­tion “. There is lit­tle doubt that Israel was behind the attack, and Netanyahu’s gov­ern­ment had not even tried to dis­pel the sus­pi­cion. There has been open enmi­ty between Israel and Iran for decades, and Netanyahu’s declared goal is to pre­vent a resump­tion of the nuclear deal.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more