The consequences and symptoms of Corona Covid-19 — treatment and chances of survival

symptoms of Corona Covid-19
(Foto: ima­go images/Science Pho­to Library)
In addi­tion, “the data are cur­rent­ly still quite ‘flu­id’ ”, says Bernd Salzberg­er, Head of Infec­tious Dis­eases at the Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal Regens­burg. So one could still be “dra­mat­i­cal­ly wrong, for exam­ple if people’s behav­ior changes and they pro­tect them­selves bet­ter against infec­tion”, then the base repro­duc­tion num­ber could drop even fur­ther. The Munich infec­ti­ol­o­gist Clemens Wendt­ner sees so far, despite lim­it­ed infor­ma­tion, “with high prob­a­bil­i­ty no sig­nif­i­cant risk for Ger­many from 2019-nCoV”. Wendt­ner, who also works in the “Stand­ing Work­ing Group of Com­pe­tence and Treat­ment Cen­ters for Dis­eases caused by High­ly Path­o­gen­ic Pathogens” at the Robert Koch Insti­tute, rather empha­sizes: “On the con­trary, it is aston­ish­ing for me that over 20,000 influen­za deaths annu­al­ly in Ger­many pub­lic per­cep­tion less shock­ing ”than the new 2019-nCoV pathogen.

And that, “although even a sim­ple flu vac­cine could effi­cient­ly pre­vent a lot of suf­fer­ing and ulti­mate­ly many deaths.” Nev­er­the­less, his clin­ic in Schwabing has been pre­pared, but he “hon­est­ly” expects “false alarms” in “99 per­cent” of the sus­pect­ed cas­es. What are the ben­e­fits of block­ing entire cities or even countries?

“Even the quar­an­tine of many mil­lions of peo­ple would prob­a­bly only weak­en the fur­ther spread to a lim­it­ed extent,” says the infec­ti­ol­o­gist Clemens Wendt­ner from the spe­cial unit for high­ly con­ta­gious life-threat­en­ing infec­tions at the Schwabing Clin­ic in Munich. The WHO expert pan­el is divid­ed on whether to declare a health emer­gency: “50/50,” said Michael Ryan, the exec­u­tive direc­tor of the WHO pro­gram for health emer­gen­cies, in a press con­fer­ence last week. A researcher sup­plies detec­tion reagents for the new coro­n­avirus. How­ev­er, that does not mean that not all nec­es­sary mea­sures to con­tain the virus­es are tak­en. Declar­ing an inter­na­tion­al health emer­gency could mean that coun­tries are then free to pro­hib­it trav­el from Chi­na. Because of the inter­na­tion­al trade rela­tions, this would have major eco­nom­ic con­se­quences, which in turn could also have health con­se­quences for the pop­u­la­tion, not only in China.
6. Is the virus also a risk for the glob­al economy?

Fear of the con­se­quences of the virus depressed mood in the stock mar­kets on Mon­day. The Dax dropped 1.5 per­cent right at the start of trad­ing. In Japan, the Nikkei had to cope with the strongest decline in half a year at over two per­cent, and the Dow Jones also fell. The stock exchanges in Chi­na are closed until Thurs­day due to the New Year cel­e­bra­tions. Tourism stocks like Lufthansa and lux­u­ry goods man­u­fac­tur­ers in par­tic­u­lar came under pressure.

In view of the impor­tance of the People’s Repub­lic for the world econ­o­my, there is grow­ing con­cern that a weak­en­ing of the local econ­o­my could have far-reach­ing con­se­quences for oth­er coun­tries as well. The usu­al cri­sis reac­tions can already be observed: Appar­ent­ly safe and virus-inde­pen­dent invest­ments such as gold, Swiss francs or Bit­coin gained in val­ue on Mon­day. What are the chances of treat­ment if you become infect­ed and ill?

It is not yet pos­si­ble to say with cer­tain­ty how many infect­ed or sick peo­ple will die from the virus. At Sars there were 800 deaths in almost 8,000 infect­ed peo­ple, i.e. ten per­cent, in 2019-nCoV it is only about one per­cent of those infect­ed so far. “Of the 17 deaths described first, 15 were over 60 years old, 8 over 80,” says the Regens­burg infec­ti­ol­o­gist Bernd Salzberge. So it cur­rent­ly still looks as if the infec­tion is milder in younger peo­ple. “That’s a good thing, because there are no spe­cif­ic drugs.” So far, patients have only received sup­port­ive treat­ment, such as pro­vid­ing them with flu­ids and assist­ing their breathing.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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