Steve Nash hired as Brooklyn Nets’ new head coach

The Brook­lyn Nets hired Steve Nash as their coach Thurs­day, putting the Hall of Fame point guard in charge of the team that hopes to have Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irv­ing togeth­er next season.

Nash, two-time MVP as the engi­neer of the high-scor­ing Phoenix Suns teams under Mike D’Antoni, had been a play­er devel­op­ment con­sul­tant with Gold­en State, where he worked with Durant.

“Coach­ing is some­thing I knew I want­ed to pur­sue when the time was right, and I am hum­bled to be able to work with the out­stand­ing group of play­ers and staff we have here in Brook­lyn,” Nash said in a statement.

The Nets fin­ished the sea­son under Jacque Vaughn, who they said would remain on staff as Nash’s lead assistant.

The Nets reached the post­sea­son despite hav­ing Irv­ing for only 20 games and Durant for none, but the two stars who came to Brook­lyn togeth­er last sum­mer are expect­ed to be ready for the 2020–21 season.

That made the Nets vacan­cy an attrac­tive posi­tion, and gen­er­al man­ag­er Sean Marks said he met with a num­ber of high­ly accom­plished can­di­dates. There was even spec­u­la­tion the Nets would try to entice Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, for whom Marks played and then worked under in San Antonio.

Instead, Marks turned to one of his for­mer teammates.

“In Steve we see a leader, com­mu­ni­ca­tor and men­tor who will gar­ner the respect of our play­ers,” Marks said. “I have had the priv­i­lege to know Steve for many years. One of the great on-court lead­ers in our game, I have wit­nessed first­hand his bas­ket­ball acu­men and self­less approach to pri­or­i­tize team success.”

Vaughn fin­ished up the sea­son after the Nets sur­pris­ing­ly part­ed ways with Ken­ny Atkin­son on March 7. He led Brook­lyn to the No. 7 in the East­ern Con­fer­ence despite com­ing to the restart­ed sea­son in Dis­ney with­out many of his top play­ers and Marks had indi­cat­ed he would be a can­di­date to keep the job.

Instead, he goes back to his for­mer posi­tion as a Nets assistant.

“Jacque has been an inte­gral part of our pro­gram and a key con­trib­u­tor to the growth and devel­op­ment of our entire orga­ni­za­tion,” Marks added. “His role in devel­op­ing our play­ers both on and off the court and his influ­ence dri­ving our cul­ture have been invaluable.

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