St. Louis couple charged after waving guns appear in court

St. Louis couple charged after waving guns appear in courtThe attor­ney for a white St. Louis cou­ple charged for wav­ing guns dur­ing a racial injus­tice protest out­side their home said Mon­day that they’re anx­ious to prove “with absolute cer­tain­ty” that they did not com­mit a crime. One week after Mark and Patri­cia McCloskey spoke on video to the Repub­li­can Nation­al Con­ven­tion, they were in court briefly Mon­day morn­ing and did not enter a plea. Mark McCloskey, 63, came out with AR-15 rifle, accord­ing to court records, which said Patri­cia McCloskey, 61, dis­played a semi­au­to­mat­ic handgun.

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