South Korean military retires its UH‑1 Huey helicopters

The Repub­lic of Korea Army retired its UH-1H Huey heli­copters after 52 years of service.

South Kore­an UH-1N Huey ser­vice has flown 792,000 hours and 146,000,000 km and being offi­cial­ly retired from ser­vice on July 31st.

The Army has oper­at­ed 129 UH-1H chop­pers. They flew an accu­mu­lat­ed 792,000 hours over 146 mil­lion kilo­me­ters dur­ing the peri­od, it said. The basic UH‑1 design pre­dates the Viet­nam War.

The UH-1H chop­pers were mobi­lized in var­i­ous mis­sions and train­ings, as well as in res­cue oper­a­tions and fire sup­pres­sion activities.

Replac­ing the UH-1H chop­pers is South Korea’s indige­nous mul­ti-role chop­per Surion.

The Suri­on is the first home­grown heli­copter which the Kore­an mil­i­tary start­ed to deve­l­ope in 2006 with the aim of replac­ing the old and super­an­nu­at­ed heli­copters which they cur­rent­ly oper­ates and nur­tur­ing the local heli­copter indus­try. Under the sup­port of the Min­istry of Knowl­edge Econ­o­my and DAPA, KAI set out for devel­op­ing the Suri­on and fin­ished mak­ing its maid­en flight in 2010.

굿바이 UH-1H 역사 속을 날다.

오늘 UH-1H #퇴역식 이 있었습니다.1968년부터 지금까지 장장 52년의 시간 동안 대한민국의 영공을 지켜온 UH-1H는 월남전, 공중기동·강습훈련, 인명구조, 대민지원 등다양한 분야에서 활약했는데요.함께 역사를 걸어온 전우들의생생한 이야기를 통해 발자취를 되짚어봅니다.#ADIOS #UH1H #육군 #항공

Опубліковано 대한민국 육군 (Repub­lic of Korea Army) Понеділок, 27 липня 2020 р.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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