Russian pharmaceutical company has vaccine manufactured in Neu-Ulm

The Russ­ian phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny R‑Pharm is invest­ing more than 20 mil­lion euros in the Iller­tis­sen loca­tion in the Neu-Ulm dis­trict. Accord­ing to site man­ag­er Ivan Semen­ov, pro­duc­tion of a so-called Oxford vac­cine against the coro­n­avirus will start there in the first quar­ter of 2021. The capac­i­ty is designed for 500 mil­lion vac­ci­na­tion dos­es per year. The vac­cine from the Neu-Ulm dis­trict is to be sup­plied to 35 coun­tries, includ­ing the CIS coun­tries — but not Ger­many or oth­er EU coun­tries. The Oxford vac­cine (AZD1222) is cur­rent­ly in test­ing phase III, which is the deci­sive one. The plant in Iller­tis­sen may also pro­duce the Sput­nik V vac­cine at a lat­er date, Semen­ov told the “Süd­west Presse”. It is already approved in Rus­sia, but the test­ing does not yet meet inter­na­tion­al standards.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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