Roger Goodell: “The NFL stands with the Black community”

NFL Com­mis­sion­er Roger Good­ell reit­er­at­ed the league’s sup­port for play­ers fight­ing for racial jus­tice and protest­ing police violence.

Cit­ing a police offi­cer shoot­ing Jacob Blake in the back on Aug. 23 in Kenosha, Wis­con­sin, Good­ell said the inci­dent has “brought forth more feel­ings of anger, frus­tra­tion, anguish, fear for many of us in the NFL family.”

The inves­ti­ga­tion into the police shoot­ing of Blake, who is Black, is ongoing.

“The NFL stands with the Black com­mu­ni­ty, the play­ers, clubs and fans,” Good­ell said Tues­day. “Con­fronting recent sys­temic racism with tan­gi­ble and pro­duc­tive steps is absolute­ly essen­tial. We will not relent in our work. We will redou­ble our efforts to be cat­a­lysts for the urgent and sus­tain­able change that our soci­ety and com­mu­ni­ties so des­per­ate­ly need. I’m so proud of every­one across our league and oth­ers who have tak­en a stand using their voic­es and plat­forms to con­tin­ue to shine the spot­light on things that must change. By lis­ten­ing and work­ing and under­stand­ing with our play­ers, we built the foun­da­tion for tan­gi­ble change through our Inspire Change initiative.”

NFL end zones will be inscribed this sea­son with two slo­gans: “It Takes All Of Us” on one end line, “End Racism” on the oth­er. As part of its social jus­tice aware­ness ini­tia­tives, the NFL also will allow sim­i­lar visu­als on hel­mets and caps.

The league announced ear­li­er this sum­mer it is com­mit­ting $250 mil­lion over 10 years to social jus­tice ini­tia­tives. Good­ell point­ed out the NFL Votes cam­paign and encour­aged teams to offer the use of sta­di­ums as polling centers.

Troy Vin­cent, the league’s exec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent of foot­ball oper­a­tions said play­ers have the right to sit out or protest games. Teams across sev­er­al sports leagues post­poned games last week fol­low­ing Blake’s shooting.

“The play­ers want to see us lever­ag­ing the influ­ence to hold offi­cers that are bad offi­cers to be held account­able,” Vin­cent said. “That access to meet­ing the (dis­trict attor­neys) and access to meet­ing with local offi­cials to tru­ly address reform and train­ing. … There has been a lot of work done but we still keep see­ing the same image play out on tele­vi­sion of unarmed black men being shot down.”

Vin­cent said he’s encour­aged to see a shift among NFL own­ers to stand with play­ers and sup­port their fight.

“I ask my Lord and Sav­ior Jesus Christ to allow me to be a bridge builder,” Vin­cent said. “And I try to stay on the premis­es of edu­cat­ing whether that’s a play­er or a club own­er. I just speak to human­i­ty. And I would say in my deal­ings with club own­ers, they all have a heart. … I do believe that some of the things that we have seen tran­spire, they have seen tran­spire, it does some­thing to the heart. And we under­stand we’re not ask­ing, the play­ers are not ask­ing, for any­thing out of con­text and just ask­ing for account­abil­i­ty to be admin­is­tered and that peo­ple see this bur­den that many live, that an entire com­mu­ni­ty, in par­tic­u­lar the Black com­mu­ni­ty, that these injus­tices are happening

“I do believe that the club own­ers are at a place over the last few years, it’s tak­en some a lit­tle longer than oth­ers, but it becomes a heart issue. And they do have an appre­ci­a­tion for human­i­ty and they under­stand that we have to do this togeth­er. The play­ers can’t do it alone. The play­ers under­stand that they can’t do with­out club own­ers. Club own­ers under­stand that it takes all of us to get to where we want to get as a bet­ter society.”

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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