Rockies’ starters slumping as Kyle Freeland pitches only two innings

The Rock­ies’ offense final­ly got on track Wednes­day, pound­ing out 14 hits in a 9–6 come­back win over San Fran­cis­co. But now it’s the start­ing pitch­ing that’s under the microscope.

Lefty Kyle Free­land was gone after just two innings, hav­ing allowed four runs on eight hits. Free­land opened the sea­son with six con­sec­u­tive qual­i­ty starts but has allowed eight runs across 6 1/3 innings in his past two starts.

Man­ag­er Bud Black said he pulled Free­land Wednes­day pri­mar­i­ly because of his high pitch count, 61.

“I’ve got to be con­scious of Kyle and his next four or five starts,” Black said. “He’s got to bounce back for his next start and be as fresh as possible.”

Black said he thought that Free­land stuff was pret­ty good but not­ed that the Giants bat­tled Free­land and made him throw a lot of pitches.

“There had to be a foul ball record today,” Black said.

Gray’s slump. Free­land isn’t the only Col­orado starter who is strug­gling. Right-han­der Jon Gray was charged with sev­en runs on nine hits in 2 2/3 innings in a 23–5 loss to San Fran­cis­co on Tues­day night. His ERA has bal­looned to 6.69, he has a 1.44 WHIP and bat­ters are hit­ting .281 against him.

“I’ve got to find a way to get my (veloc­i­ty) back up. I’ve got to find a way to snap my slid­er off,” Gray said after Tuesday’s game.

His aver­age fast­ball veloc­i­ty has dipped, from 96 mph last sea­son to 93.9 mph this sea­son. Black, how­ev­er, reject­ed the idea that Gray has a sore arm, is fatigued, or that he’s lost weight, some­thing which might have sapped his ener­gy and power.

Rather, Black said he’s fine with the speed of Gray’s fast­ball but wants to see bet­ter pitch com­mand and more sharp­ness with his slider.

“A lot of times with a good pitch­er, when they don’t have the feel for the break­ing pitch­es, they have a ten­den­cy to over­throw it and you can sort of throw through the spin,” Black said. “A lot of times you can try to cre­ate more break­ing, and it has the oppo­site effect. So there’s a feel to it.”

Foot­notes. Black said rook­ie infield­er Bren­dan Rodgers does not have a seri­ous shoul­der injury. Rodgers suf­fered a right shoul­der cap­sule injury when he slid awk­ward­ly and became entan­gled with San Diego third base­man Man­ny Macha­do on Sat­ur­day. Black said the Rodgers should only need a few more days before he can resume full base­ball activ­i­ties. Rodgers had shoul­der surgery in July 2019 and missed the rest of the sea­son. … Right-han­der Mychal Givens, acquired in a trade with Bal­ti­more on Sun­day, pitched a score­less sev­enth inning Wednes­day with one strike­out and earned his first win of the sea­son in his Rock­ies debut. … Rook­ie out­field­er Sam Hilliard has four home runs over his last eight games played.

On Deck
Util­i­ty play­er Gar­rett Hamp­son hit his fifth home run of the sea­son Wednes­day vs. the Giants, his third homer in his last two games.

At issue: Lefty starter Kyle Free­land pitched just two innings and allowed four runs on eight hits with one walk and two strike­outs. It was the fourth time in his career that he pitched two or few­er innings in a start, but the first time he got such an ear­ly hook when it was not due to an injury.

Pitch­ing Probables:
Thurs­day: OFF
Fri­day: Rock­ies RHP Anto­nio Sen­za­tela (3–1, 3.32 ERA) at Dodgers RHP Dustin May (1–1, 2.83), 7:40 p.m., ATTRM
Sat­ur­day: RHP Ger­mán Márquez (2–5, 4.88) at Dodgers RHP Tony Gon­solin (0–0, 0.51), 7:10 p.m., ATTRM
Sun­day: Rock­ies TBD at Dodgers, 8:10 p.m. (3–0, 3.27), 8:10 p.m., ATTRM

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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