Rockies podcast: Colorado’s starting pitching must re-find its form for the team to stay in contention

In this edi­tion of the On The Rox pod­cast, Den­ver Post sports­writ­ers Kyle New­man and Patrick Saun­ders take a look at the slump of the Rock­ies’ start­ing pitching.

After car­ry­ing the team through the first quar­ter of the sea­son, the team’s rota­tion has gone off the rails, par­tic­u­lar­ly late­ly with right-han­ders Ger­man Mar­quez and Jon Gray. Can the Col­orado starters re-find their ear­ly-sea­son form? And what about the back end of the rota­tion — will Anto­nio Sen­za­tela and Chi Chi Gonzalez/Ryan Castel­lani be able to pick up the slack?

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