Right-wing assault on the Bundestag: “Attack on the heart of our democracy”

(Foto: Omer Messinger/Getty)
Right-wing extrem­ists storm the stairs of the Bun­destag with black-white-red impe­r­i­al flags. Only a few police offi­cers stand in the way of the fas­cists. Fed­er­al Pres­i­dent Stein­meier finds clear words. At the large-scale demon­stra­tion of coro­na deniers in Berlin on Sat­ur­day evening, there was a now much dis­cussed inci­dent: Right-wing extrem­ists broke a cor­don at the Reich­stag build­ing and stormed onto the stairs of the Bun­destag. Many of them car­ried the black-white-red impe­r­i­al flags used by so-called “impe­r­i­al cit­i­zens” and oth­er fas­cists. Some of them threw bot­tles and stones at police offi­cers. Videos are cir­cu­lat­ing on the Inter­net show­ing how ini­tial­ly only a few offi­cials tried to secure the bar­ri­ers against a crowd of angry demon­stra­tors. Some pro­test­ers then broke the bar­ri­ers, ran up the stairs and came direct­ly in front of the build­ing. The videos show how vocal right-wing extrem­ists are stand­ing in front of the door of the Reich­stag build­ing and look­ing for scuf­fles with the police. At first only three police­men stood in their way out­side the doors, defend­ing them­selves against the rab­ble and phys­i­cal attacks.

Police spokesman Thi­lo Cablitz explained: “We can­not always be present every­where, it was pre­cise­ly this gap that was used to climb over the bar­ri­cade, to break through, and then to come to the stairs in front of the Reich­stag.” When more police offi­cers came, the demo was bro­ken up. The emer­gency ser­vices cleared the space in front of the Reich­stag build­ing and pushed the demon­stra­tors away.

Fed­er­al Pres­i­dent Frank-Wal­ter Stein­meier sharply con­demned the attack on Sun­day: “Reich flags and right-wing extrem­ist rab­ble in front of the Ger­man Bun­destag are an unbear­able attack on the heart of our democ­ra­cy. We will nev­er accept that.” “Our democ­ra­cy lives,” empha­sized Stein­meier. Any­one who is angry about the Coro­na mea­sures or doubts their neces­si­ty can do so, also in pub­lic, even in demon­stra­tions. “My under­stand­ing ends where demon­stra­tors let them­selves be har­nessed to the carts of democ­ra­cy ene­mies and polit­i­cal agi­ta­tors.” Stein­meier thanked the police offi­cers “who act­ed extreme­ly pru­dent­ly in a dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion”. “It affects all of us when a vio­lent, clear­ly right-wing rad­i­cal minor­i­ty wants to storm the seat of the par­lia­ment,” said Bun­destag Pres­i­dent Wolf­gang Schäu­ble (CDU) of the Ger­man Press Agency. “After these scenes, the last per­son should have under­stood that there are lim­its to decen­cy, how far you can go along with who runs with you. Nobody can evade the respon­si­bil­i­ty of not being instru­men­tal­ized by extrem­ists in their protest.” The Pres­i­dent of the Bun­destag empha­sized that the coro­na demon­stra­tions should be viewed dif­fer­ent­ly. “The Basic Law also pro­tects opin­ions that are viewed by the major­i­ty as gross­ly lack­ing in sol­i­dar­i­ty or even as absurd. And the right to demon­strate is a cen­tral civ­il right.” But it is not unlim­it­ed, every­thing has a lim­it. “It lies where legal require­ments are delib­er­ate­ly vio­lat­ed or where the state’s monop­oly of force is attacked in the Reich­stag building.”
“Black-white-red are the col­ors of the state and the Nazis”

Schäu­ble thanked the secu­ri­ty forces who would have pre­vent­ed worse. “How­ev­er, the fact that this attack could even occur where the ban mile used to pro­tect must be dealt with quick­ly and com­pre­hen­sive­ly.” Inte­ri­or Min­is­ter Horst See­hofer told Bild am Son­ntag: “Diver­si­ty of opin­ion is a trade­mark of a healthy soci­ety. How­ev­er, free­dom of assem­bly has its lim­its where state rules are tram­pled under­foot.” The CSU politi­cian went on to say: “The Reich­stag build­ing is the place of activ­i­ty of our par­lia­ment and thus the sym­bol­ic cen­ter of our lib­er­al democ­ra­cy. It is unbear­able that chaos and extrem­ists mis­use it for their own pur­pos­es. I thank the police for get­ting us ahead of it today quick­ly and con­sis­tent­ly The state must take action against such peo­ple with zero tol­er­ance and con­sis­tent severity. ”

CDU boss Annegret Kramp-Kar­ren­bauer react­ed angri­ly. “I have to say, I’m real­ly angry about this and about the pic­tures you saw there. The fact that the Reich flag is blow­ing again at the Ger­man Bun­destag is some­thing that is unbear­able,” she said in a state­ment that the par­ty said spread on Sun­day. Union par­lia­men­tary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus told the dpa: “The scenes that played out on the stairs of the Reich­stag build­ing on Sat­ur­day are both shame­ful and wor­ry­ing. A lim­it was crossed. The new esca­la­tion lev­el shows us that we are beyond the pro­tec­tion of par­lia­ment have to think again. ”

As the first of the three can­di­dates for the CDU chair­man­ship, Nor­bert Röttgen com­ments on Twit­ter: “We owe three police offi­cers to the fact that there weren’t even worse pic­tures of the Reich­stag. I think we should invite them to the first ses­sion after the sum­mer break in par­lia­ment. You should par­take of what they are defend­ing. ” The Prime Min­is­ter of North Rhine-West­phalia, Armin Laschet, then wrote the fol­low­ing on Sun­day lunchtime: “The Reich­stag build­ing in Berlin sur­vived all the hor­ror, ter­ror and war that the Nation­al Social­ists unleashed. The fact that right-wing extrem­ists are dis­play­ing the Reich war flag at this very loca­tion makes me shudder.”

For­eign Min­is­ter Heiko Maas (SPD) tweet­ed: “Every­one has the right to argue about how to deal with Coro­na & of course to demon­strate for your opin­ion. Nobody should chase right-wing extrem­ists, endan­ger police offi­cers & expose many to the risk of infec­tion. Reich flags in front of par­lia­ment are shame­ful.” Fed­er­al Jus­tice Min­is­ter Chris­tine Lam­brecht calls for a tough response from the state. “We must defend our­selves against these ene­mies of our democ­ra­cy with all con­sis­ten­cy,” said the SPD politi­cian in the news­pa­pers of the Funke media group. “The unbear­able image of Reich cit­i­zens and neo-Nazis in front of the Reich­stag must not be repeat­ed — not in front of par­lia­ment and nev­er in parliament.”

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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