Nuggets coach Michael Malone calls NBA’s guest policy “criminal in nature” after 60 days inside bubble

The vir­tu­al ques­tion cut in and out, but Nuggets coach Michael Mal­one did exact­ly what he want­ed with the topic.

When asked about hav­ing spent “a month and a half or so,” inside the “bub­ble” before the ques­tion cut out, Mal­one clar­i­fied the time­frame and issued a scathing rebuke of the NBA’s bub­ble poli­cies. He called it “crim­i­nal in nature” that coach­es weren’t allowed to have fam­i­ly mem­bers in the bubble.

“Today is Day 60,” Mal­one said. “So we have been here, the guys that came down here on July 7 – and there weren’t many of us because we were rav­aged with COVID. For the orig­i­nal crew, this is day num­ber 60. And the rea­son I bring that up is because the play­ers have their fam­i­lies here, which they deserve, which is the right thing to do. The ref­er­ees are allowed to bring one guest, which is great for the ref­er­ees. The coach­es, the coach­es are not allowed to bring any­body. I say, shame on you, NBA. This is crazy.”

Before the Nuggets even arrived at the bub­ble, Mal­one raised the issue with local media and said he hoped the NBA would adjust its poli­cies. That hasn’t hap­pened after two months inside the bubble.

“I miss my fam­i­ly, and I think I speak for me, I speak for my coach­es and prob­a­bly all the coach­es down here,” he con­tin­ued. “Six­ty days and not hav­ing access and not being grant­ed the priv­i­lege to have my fam­i­ly come here, to me, is crim­i­nal in nature. And that shouldn’t be. That shouldn’t be at all. So, I want­ed to get that off my chest.”

While that was Malone’s pri­ma­ry point, he was also asked about adjust­ments head­ing into Saturday’s Game 2. For the Nuggets to com­pete against the Clip­pers, there needs to be a marked improve­ment on both ends of the court.

On defense, that means bet­ter con­tain­ment, more effort in fight­ing through screens, greater help defense and an urgency that their sea­son is on the line.

“It was like layup lines out there at times,” Mal­one said.

On offense, Mal­one said the Nuggets need to take more pride in run­ning actu­al sets.

“As the game wore on, espe­cial­ly in that third quar­ter, we just came down and jacked quick shots, took too many threes,” he said. “You just can’t come down and run ran­dom offense and jack up shots because you’re gonna hur­ry up to an (butt) kicking.”

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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