New MLS team will be called St. Louis City SC

ST. LOUIS — The newest Major League Soc­cer team will be called St. Louis City SC when it debuts in 2023, team offi­cials announced Thursday.

The team’s name and logo were unveiled near­ly a year after the city was giv­en an MLS fran­chise. St. Louis City SC will join Sacra­men­to as the 29th and 30th teams when they begin play. The name was select­ed from more than 6,000 submissions.

The team col­ors will be “City Red,” “Riv­er Blue,” “Ener­gy Yel­low,” and “Arch Steel Gray.” The logo will include a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the St. Louis Gate­way Arch.

The team will have the only major­i­ty female-led own­er­ship group in MLS, led by Car­olyn Kin­dle Betz, pres­i­dent of Enter­prise Hold­ings Foundation.

“Our desire from Day One has been to be big­ger than soc­cer and to become part of the fab­ric of St. Louis and a sym­bol of our future. This is a sig­nif­i­cant step for­ward for our club – and our region,” Kin­dle Betz said in a news release.

The fran­chise in March received $5.7 mil­lion in state tax cred­its to help pay for the con­struc­tion of a soc­cer com­plex on the west­ern edge of downtown.

The team was sched­uled to debut in 2022, but the process was delayed in part by the coro­n­avirus pandemic.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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