Nancy Pelosi got her hair done in San Francisco, and the salon owner is mad

Nancy Pelosi got her hair done in San Francisco, and the salon owner is madHouse Speak­er Nan­cy Pelosi (D‑Calif.) got her hair washed and blow-dried at a salon in San Fran­cis­co on Mon­day, and the salon’s own­er sent secu­ri­ty cam­era footage to Fox News on Tues­day, call­ing the vis­it to her busi­ness “a slap in the face.” Cal­i­for­nia allows only out­door hair cuts, own­er Eri­ca Kious told Fox News, and she will have to shut down her salon in 30 to 60 days if she can’t re-open, say­ing the $12,000 loan she got from the fed­er­al Pay­check Pro­tec­tion Pro­gram will car­ry her only so far. She accused Pelosi of hypocrisy.The footage showed Pelosi walk­ing through a room with her face mask around her neck, fol­lowed by the masked styl­ist who rent­ed a chair in the salon. “This busi­ness offered for the speak­er to come in on Mon­day and told her they were allowed by the city to have one cus­tomer at a time in the busi­ness,” Pelosi spokesman Drew Ham­mill said in a state­ment. “The speak­er com­plied with the rules as pre­sent­ed to her by this establishment.“More sto­ries from The poi­so­nous lessons of a poten­tial Trump vic­to­ry A 10th of Amer­i­can house­holds say they haven’t had enough food dur­ing the pan­dem­ic The own­er of a destroyed Kenosha store refused to meet with Trump. So Trump replaced him with a for­mer owner.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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