More than 50 Confederate symbols moved, taken down in wake of George Floyd’s death, study says

More than 50 Confederate symbols moved, taken down in wake of George Floyd's death, study saysIn the months since George Floyd died in Min­neapo­lis while in police cus­tody, protests have rip­pled across the Unit­ed States, with hun­dreds of demon­stra­tors ral­ly­ing against sys­temic racism and call­ing for jus­tice. Among some of the more promi­nent changes sparked by Floyd’s death is the speedy removal and renam­ing of land­marks and mon­u­ments rep­re­sent­ing the Con­fed­er­a­cy. Such sym­bols have come …

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Ein Reichsmarschall von Adolf Hitler hatte auch Märklin Modelleisenbahn Modelle > read more