More than 3,600 Americans died of COVID-19 during the Republican National Convention

More than 3,600 Americans died of COVID-19 during the Republican National ConventionVisu­al­ly, rhetor­i­cal­ly, and the­mat­i­cal­ly, this week’s Repub­li­can Nation­al Con­ven­tion treat­ed the ongo­ing COVID-19 pan­dem­ic as an eco­nom­ic and health prob­lem Pres­i­dent Trump had con­quered through strong leadership.There were very few masks in any of the live audi­ences, includ­ing among the 1,500 guests invit­ed to Trump’s speech. The White House said “those in close prox­im­i­ty to Trump will be test­ed,” CNN’s Jim Acos­ta report­ed. “But many will not be test­ed.” And a senior White House offi­cial, when asked about the lack of masks and social dis­tanc­ing, told Acos­ta, “Every­body is going to catch this thing eventually.“Lots of Amer­i­cans, of course, have already caught the coro­n­avirus, and one sta­tis­tic illus­trat­ed for many the ongo­ing toll of COVID-19. “As of tonight, coro­n­avirus has infect­ed near­ly six mil­lion Amer­i­cans, with more than 180,000 souls lost,” MSNBC’s Bri­an Williams not­ed Thurs­day night. “It’s worth repeat­ing, more Amer­i­cans have died from COVID-19 dur­ing the four days of this Repub­li­can con­ven­tion than the num­ber of Amer­i­cans killed on 9/11.“CNN’s Jake Tap­per made the same point, with num­bers to back it up.> A stun­ning reminder from @jaketapper just now on CNN: “Just since the Repub­li­can con­ven­tion began, we have had more loss­es due to this virus than were lost due to 9/11.”> > Between the RNC open­ing on Mon­day and 5pm today, 3,688 Amer­i­cans have lost their lives to coro­n­avirus.> > — Gabe Fleish­er (@WakeUp2Politics) August 28, 2020The death toll from the Sept. 11, 2001, ter­ror­ist attacks was 2,977. It may seem finicky to use that num­ber as the met­ric to high­light this week’s COVID-19 deaths, but 9/11 was the Repub­li­can Party’s emo­tion­al and for­eign pol­i­cy lodestar for most of this cen­tu­ry. Joe Biden, when he was run­ning for the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­na­tion in 2007, mem­o­rably said of Rudy Giu­liani, then seek­ing the GOP nom­i­na­tion: “There’s only three things he men­tions in a sen­tence: a noun, and a verb, and 9/11.” Giu­liani, now Trump’s per­son­al lawyer, was a fea­tured speak­er at Thursday’s RNC.More sto­ries from Black Pan­ther star Chad­wick Bose­man dies at 43 McConnell inex­plic­a­bly claims that Democ­rats want to tell Amer­i­cans ‘how many ham­burg­ers you can eat’ 5 more scathing­ly fun­ny car­toons about the Repub­li­can Nation­al Convention

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