Kiszla vs. O’Halloran: Is Jerry Jeudy or Bryce Callahan more crucial to Broncos’ success in 2020?

Kiz: Jeudy! Jeudy! Jeudy! Bron­co­ma­ni­acs are wild over first-round draft choice Jer­ry Jeudy. And I don’t blame them. He was a great pick by John Elway. With eyes at train­ing camp nat­u­ral­ly drawn to offense, Jeudy is already draw­ing rave reviews for his route run­ning and ball skills. But I won­der. How big of an impact is it rea­son­able to expect Jeudy to make as a rook­ie? Might a more cru­cial “new­com­er” to the Bron­cos be cor­ner­back Bryce Calla­han, who sat out last sea­son while recov­er­ing from a nag­ging foot injury?

O’Halloran: Calla­han all the way, at least for 2020. The Bron­cos have the semi-lux­u­ry of not putting a ton of pres­sure on Jeudy in terms of not mak­ing him play against a team’s top cor­ner­back. Two years ago, the Bron­cos could bring Court­land Sut­ton along slow­ly because they had Demary­ius Thomas and Emmanuel Sanders. Once Thomas was flipped to Hous­ton and Sanders tore his Achilles, it was ear­ly Decem­ber and Sut­ton was ready for a No. 1‑type role. Plus, if Jeudy is injured, the Bron­cos have decent depth. If Calla­han gets injured, uh-oh.

Kiz: The rela­tion­ship between the Bron­cos and Chris Har­ris Jr. had run its course. Once a play­er who plays with a huge chip on his shoul­der feels dis­re­spect­ed by team man­age­ment, there’s no turn­ing back, only mov­ing on. How much Den­ver miss­es Har­ris depends heav­i­ly on Calla­han. Tell me: Does he look healthy? Can coach Vic Fan­gio count on Calla­han play­ing all 16 reg­u­lar-sea­son games? And in a league where defense needs no few­er than three cor­ners on the field much of the time, where should we expect Calla­han to take most of his snaps?

O’Halloran: Fan­gio shouldn’t count on Calla­han appear­ing in 16 games because he’s nev­er done it — in the last four years (all with Fan­gio), he missed five, four, three and 16 games. In the base defense (about 25–30% of the snaps), he will play out­side oppo­site new­com­er A.J. Bouye and in most sub-pack­age sit­u­a­tions, Calla­han will move inside to account for the slot receiv­er. The Bron­cos envi­sion him as an every-down player.

Kiz: While I respect and admire the abil­i­ties of Sut­ton, my hopes and dreams are so big for Jeudy I think he will become the No. 1 tar­get of Lock. Even­tu­al­ly. Soon­er rather than lat­er. But not this year, when Jeudy is learn­ing the ropes and refin­ing his routes at the NFL lev­el. On the oth­er hand, 2020 shapes up as the last stand of a defense built around line­backer Von Miller. Elway is count­ing on the “D” being dom­i­nant, which won’t be pos­si­ble with­out a stingy sec­ondary. Calla­han is the “X” fac­tor. He must deliv­er bigly for Den­ver to have any shot at mak­ing the playoffs.

O’Halloran: I was think­ing about the last stand angle for this defense recent­ly and you’re right, for Miller and Co., there will be big changes if the play­off drought stretch­es to five years. The ros­ter is full of old­er defen­sive play­ers with big 2021 cap num­bers. As far as Jeudy, the best thing Bron­cos fans can hear about him is that he is being laud­ed for his work eth­ic. He’s not rest­ing on his Alaba­ma tape/­first-round sta­tus. Hav­ing that kind of want-to should give him the abil­i­ty to quick­ly adjust to the NFL game.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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