Kickin’ It with Kiz: The one thing that could’ve prevented Avs from losing Game 7 to Dallas

The Avs lost to Dal­las because they couldn’t hold three sep­a­rate one-goal leads in Game 7. The tal­ent is there. This team is going to be good. Col­orado couldn’t deal with bad injury luck and men­tal hurdles.

— Evan, sor­ry party’s over

Kiz: While there are 50 ways to lose a play­off series, there’s one vari­able I can’t get out of my head. Let’s say every oth­er thing, includ­ing the injuries to Philipp Grubauer and Gabe Lan­deskog, goes down pre­cise­ly the same way dur­ing this series. Now, let’s make a sin­gle change: Play Game 7 in Pep­si Cen­ter instead of the NHL bub­ble, and I’ve got to believe you (the fans) could’ve made the dif­fer­ence between vic­to­ry and defeat. It’s just one more rea­son 2020 stinks.

Bron­cos line­backer Todd Davis being cut shouldn’t be a sur­prise. They tar­get­ed LSU line­backer Patrick Queen in the draft. Even after that didn’t work out, Den­ver didn’t see Davis as a starter.

— J‑man, saw it coming

Kiz:  Think maybe coach Vic Fan­gio didn’t like Chris Har­ris Jr. and Davis as much as many fans in Bron­cos Coun­try? Who’s the next to go?

The Rock­ies are total garbage.

— Jon­ny, pour­ing hot sauce

Kiz: Well, my pre­dic­tion this team would make the play­offs isn’t look­ing so hot. The Rock­ies have bullpen issues. Des­per­ate times call for des­per­ate mea­sures. So maybe Col­orado should sched­ule more of those 7‑inning dou­ble­head­ers that seem to be all the rage this sea­son. It would allow man­ag­er Bud Black to elim­i­nate the mid­dle man, and maybe even the set-up man.

Hey, Kiz. When are the Rock­ies going to blow up this trash and start over, the way San Diego and Hous­ton did? They need to trade every­one for draft picks. That is the only way they can com­pete. There is no way the Rock­ies will ever beat the Dodgers in the next few years with Colorado’s lousy farm sys­tem. Oh, and the team also needs a new gen­er­al man­ag­er that knows base­ball, unlike Jeff Bridich.

— Ben, turn­ing the page

Kiz: Well, blow­ing it up would have to start with trad­ing third base­man Nolan Are­na­do. There’s the first tough deci­sion this team will have to make over the win­ter. In the mean­time, the always-help­ful staff here at Kickin’ It Head­quar­ters has a sug­ges­tion that could reduce the short-term pain for a reel­ing ball­club. Couldn’t the Rock­ies just take loss­es to the Dodgers remote­ly, via Zoom, rather than endur­ing the has­sle of fly­ing all the way to Los Ange­les and back?

Has any­one seen Nuggets for­ward Paul Millsap?

— Bill, gen­uine­ly concerned

Kiz: Think Mill­sap might be on vaca­tion in Croa­t­ia, a coun­try still wel­com­ing Amer­i­can tourists. I hear the Adri­at­ic Sea is beau­ti­ful this time of year. But don’t take my word on it. Millsap’s where­abouts might be noth­ing more than a rumor, as is his defense.

And today’s part­ing shot is a cop­ing mech­a­nism proven safe and effec­tive any time that any­thing goes wrong for a Den­ver sports team.

The Avalanche’s heart­break­ing loss in Game 7 is your fault, Kiz. I haven’t processed things enough to know why. But it’s def­i­nite­ly your fault.

— Patrick, Denver

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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