Kenosha police union gives its version of Blake shooting

Kenosha police union gives its version of Blake shootingThe Kenosha police union on Fri­day offered the most detailed account­ing to date on offi­cers’ per­spec­tive of the moments lead­ing up to police shoot­ing Jacob Blake sev­en times in the back, say­ing he had a knife and fought with offi­cers, putting one of them in a head­lock and shrug­ging off two attempts to stun him. The state­ment from Bren­dan Matthews, attor­ney for the Kenosha Pro­fes­sion­al Police Asso­ci­a­tion, goes into more detail than any­thing that has been released by the Wis­con­sin Depart­ment of Jus­tice, which is inves­ti­gat­ing. The Sun­day shoot­ing of Blake, a Black man, put the nation’s spot­light on Wis­con­sin and trig­gered a series of peace­ful protests and vio­lence, includ­ing the killing of two peo­ple by an armed civil­ian on Tuesday.

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