Joe Biden raises over $360 million in August, shattering record

WASHINGTON — For­mer Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden raised $364 mil­lion for his elec­tion effort in August, a record-shat­ter­ing sum that will give the Demo­c­rat ample resources to com­pete in the final two months of the campaign.

Biden strug­gled to raise mon­ey dur­ing the Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­ma­ry. But ever since he became the appar­ent nom­i­nee last spring, mon­ey has poured into his cam­paign. In July, he all but closed a huge cash-on-hand advan­tage enjoyed by Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.

The mas­sive August haul speaks to the enthu­si­asm among Democ­rats to oust Trump from office.

The new flood of con­tri­bu­tions, which came from grass­roots sup­port­ers as well as deep-pock­et­ed donors, should alle­vi­ate any lin­ger­ing con­cern over whether Democ­rats will be able to flood the air­waves with adver­tis­ing in key bat­tle­ground states that will ulti­mate­ly decide the out­come of the election.

“These num­bers hum­ble me,” Biden wrote in a mes­sage to sup­port­ers. “Even in a glob­al reces­sion, work­ing fam­i­lies set aside some mon­ey to pow­er this cam­paign, and a lit­tle bit added up in a big way.”

Trump has yet to release his fundrais­ing fig­ures for the month of August.

After amass­ing a mas­sive war chest over the past three years, the Trump cam­paign said recent­ly that they were con­serv­ing mon­ey for after Labor Day. Recent­ly, they went most­ly dark on the air­waves. While they placed addi­tion­al adver­tis­ing this week, Trump is still get­ting out­spent by Biden by near­ly dou­ble, adver­tis­ing data shows.

Demo­c­ra­t­ic offi­cials attribute the amount raised to antipa­thy toward Trump, the selec­tion of Sen. Kamala Har­ris as Biden’s vice pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee and a suc­cess­ful con­ven­tion that show­cased Biden’s empa­thy in con­trast to Trump.

“Don­ald Trump is the great­est fundrais­ing tool in the his­to­ry of pol­i­tics,” said DNC finance Chair­man Chris Korge.

The mon­ey was raised in con­junc­tion with the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee. While can­di­dates face a $2,800 lim­it per elec­tion, Biden can raise far more than that through a joint fundrais­ing com­mit­tee with the DNC that allows him to col­lect indi­vid­ual checks worth upward of $600,000.

The mon­ey is split between his cam­paign, the DNC and state parties.

The haul also gives out­side groups sup­port­ing Biden’s cam­paign addi­tion­al lee­way to direct their mon­ey towards oth­er efforts that could give Democ­rats an edge in what’s expect­ed to be a tight elec­tion, instead of just giv­ing Biden adver­tis­ing air cover.

“Because Biden has been so suc­cess­ful rais­ing mon­ey, it has allowed us to move resources into vote by mail and get out the vote pro­grams,” said Guy Cecil, chair­man of Pri­or­i­ties USA, the largest Demo­c­ra­t­ic super PAC.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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