Jamal Murray gives emotional post-game interview after sending Nuggets to Game 7: “We found something we’re fighting for”

Jamal Mur­ray tapped into an emo­tion­al chan­nel Sun­day night that could’ve only been reached under extra­or­di­nary circumstances.

After an emo­tion­al­ly exhaust­ing three days inside the Orlan­do bub­ble, where NBA play­ers took on forces far big­ger than them­selves, Mur­ray played the game of his life. After scor­ing 50 points for the sec­ond time this series and staving off elim­i­na­tion for the sec­ond time as well, Mur­ray broke down in his postgame TNT interview.

“These shoes mean a lot,” Mur­ray said, before repeat­ing him­self. Murray’s right shoe showed a black-and-white pic­ture of George Floyd, his left one depict­ing Bre­on­na Taylor.

On Sat­ur­day, before his news con­fer­ence with reporters, Mur­ray placed the shoes on the chair for rough­ly two min­utes as a sym­bol of what he was play­ing for mov­ing forward.

“In life you find things that hold val­ue to you and things to fight for and we found some­thing we’re fight­ing for, as an NBA, as a col­lec­tive unit,” Mur­ray said with tears welling in his eyes. “And I use these shoes as a sym­bol to mean keep fight­ing. All around the world. That’s all I can say. They give me a lot of pow­er to keep fight­ing. We want to win. I show my emo­tion, and it comes out.”

Mur­ray and his fel­low NBA col­leagues spent three days brain­storm­ing and acti­vat­ing ways to ini­ti­ate change in the fight for racial equal­i­ty. In just days, the NBA got com­mit­ments from own­ers to facil­i­tate eas­i­er access to vot­ing as well as cre­at­ed a social jus­tice coali­tion that advo­cates for mean­ing­ful police reform.

“Because it’s not just in Amer­i­ca, it hap­pens every­where,” said Mur­ray, who’s Cana­di­an but shared with local media his first-hand expe­ri­ences with racism before head­ing to Orlando.

“But these shoes give me life,” Mur­ray said. “Even though these peo­ple are gone, they give me life, they help me find strength to keep fight­ing this world. That’s what I’m gonna keep doing.”

Before Mur­ray could get back to the lock­er room to cel­e­brate with his team­mates, he dropped down on the ramp to col­lect his thoughts.

“It was all emo­tions,” Mur­ray said. “Hard to put into words. … With­out bas­ket­ball, I don’t know where I’d be or who I’d be or any­thing like that.  So like I said, just a lot of emo­tion; more than I can put into words for y’all.  But I had to take time to myself, a moment for myself, and just regroup before I go in the lock­er room.”

Nuggets coach Michael Mal­one strug­gled to find the words to describe what he’d just seen from his 23-year-old super­star. To will his team to a Game 7, with anoth­er 50-point per­for­mance after the week that he and his play­ers had just expe­ri­enced, was awe-inspiring.

The shoes of Denver Nuggets' Jamal ...
The shoes of Den­ver Nuggets’ Jamal Mur­ray are seen dur­ing the sec­ond quar­ter of Game 5 of the team’s NBA bas­ket­ball first-round play­off series against the Utah Jazz, Tues­day, Aug. 25, 2020, in Lake Bue­na Vista, Fla.

“Well, I would say that every­thing that came out of Jamal after this game says it all,” Mal­one said. “We’ve been through the ringer … This is an exhaust­ing game. This has been an exhaust­ing expe­ri­ence, being down here.  And Jamal’s men­tal tough­ness is, I think — I don’t know many men­tal­ly tougher kids than Jamal Mur­ray, what he’s doing right now, on this stage with every­thing hap­pen­ing around the world.  So yeah, he’s emo­tion­al, and he should be.”


(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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