In moving speech, boy says Joe Biden helped him overcome stutter

WASHINGTON — Even in a week filled with emo­tion­al endorse­ments of Joe Biden, Bray­den Harrington’s stands out.

The 13-year-old boy sat in his home, speak­ing to a cell­phone cam­era and read­ing, care­ful­ly, from a piece of paper. He looked up and told the world how the for­mer vice pres­i­dent, by speak­ing about his own expe­ri­ence, had helped him over­come a dif­fi­cult challenge.

“We stut­ter,” Bray­den said in a video that aired Thurs­day, short­ly before Biden accept­ed his party’s pres­i­den­tial nom­i­na­tion on the final night of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion. The Con­cord, New Hamp­shire, teen got stuck briefly on the “s” sound and brave­ly worked his way through the word. His face showed strain but also deter­mi­na­tion to force out the sound.

“It’s real­ly amaz­ing to hear that some­one became vice pres­i­dent” despite stut­ter­ing, Bray­den said. “He told me about a book of poems by Yeats that he would read out loud to practice.”

Biden has spo­ken fre­quent­ly about how over­com­ing a stut­ter was one of the hard­est things he’s done in life. Bray­den and Biden met at a Feb­ru­ary CNN town hall in Con­cord, where Biden spoke about over­com­ing a severe child­hood stut­ter. He’s talked fre­quent­ly pub­licly through the years about the anger and frus­tra­tion of being mocked by class­mates and a nun in Catholic school — and how that moti­vat­ed him to work to over­come it.

“It has noth­ing to do with your intel­lec­tu­al make­up,” he said at the town hall.

After the event, Biden invit­ed Bray­den back­stage to talk more about learn­ing to con­trol a stut­ter. Biden not­ed that he’d prac­ticed by speak­ing as he looked at him­self in the mir­ror. He also gave the boy a speech he’d pre­pared for deliv­ery, com­plete with mark­ings he’d made on its pages that showed where he had time to take breaks and paus­es so that the words would come out more smoothly.

Bray­den held up that speech for con­ven­tion view­ers on Thursday.

“I’m just try­ing to be a kid,” Bray­den said. “And in a short amount of time, Joe Biden made me feel more con­fi­dent about some­thing that’s both­ered me my whole life. Joe Biden cared. Imag­ine what he could do for all of us.”

“Kids like me are count­ing on you to elect some­one we can all look up to,” he added.

Biden has talked about his stut­ter fre­quent­ly on the pres­i­den­tial cam­paign trail and how it some­times returns on cer­tain words, espe­cial­ly if he’s tired.

After he talked about it dur­ing a Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­ma­ry debate in Decem­ber — and even start­ed to make the sounds of a stut­ter — then-White House press sec­re­tary Sarah Sanders ridiculed Biden on Twit­ter. The tweet was lat­er delet­ed and Sanders apol­o­gized. Biden said after­ward that he had no regrets “because I know what it’s like to be humiliated.”

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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