In honor of Maradona — Naples plays in “Argentine” shirts — - today

SSC Napoli owes Maradona the return to the big foot­ball stage. That was more than thir­ty years ago, but the Argen­tine still enjoys cult sta­tus in the Sicil­ian city. After Maradona’s death, the fans mourn, the club pays homage to the “hand of God”. In “Argen­tine” spe­cial jer­seys, the Ital­ian first divi­sion soc­cer club SSC Napoli has once again com­mem­o­rat­ed its deceased club icon Diego Maradona. In hon­or of the Argen­tine who led Napoli to their only cham­pi­onship titles in 1987 and 1990 and to win­ning the Uefa Cup in 1989, the south­ern Ital­ians com­pet­ed in the match against AS Roma (4–0) in shirts with blue and white ver­ti­cal stripes in the tra­di­tion­al design of the Argen­tine Nation­al team.

The tex­tile homage to the glob­al­ly mourned idol was planned before Maradona’s death, accord­ing to the association’s gifts. Now, how­ev­er, the ges­ture would have an even greater mean­ing than orig­i­nal­ly thought. Naples cap­tain and lat­er lead­ing goalscor­er Loren­zo Insigne laid a wreath of flow­ers in front of a large pic­ture of Maradona at the main por­tal of the local San Pao­lo sta­di­um, which will short­ly be named after the club’s most famous play­er, before the kick-off of the duel with Rome. On his captain’s arm­band was “Adios 10” in mem­o­ry of Maradona’s shirt num­ber, to which the inter­rup­tion in the tenth minute of the game with long applause from all play­ers and del­e­ga­tion mem­bers of both teams should be a ref­er­ence. Before kick-off, both teams thought Maradona with a minute’s silence. Short­ly before the start of the game, Naples may­or Lui­gi de Mag­istris announced that Maradona would be hon­ored in the cityscape of the metrop­o­lis at the foot of Mount Vesu­vius. The may­or con­firmed on social media plans by the city admin­is­tra­tion to ded­i­cate a new sub­way sta­tion to the leg­endary ball artist.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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