If Trump Delivers His Last Hurrah to an Empty United Nations, Will it Still Make a Sound?

UNITED NATIONS, Aug 14 (IPS) — There is no love lost between the Unit­ed Nations and US Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump. 

When he addressed the high-lev­el seg­ment of the UN Gen­er­al Assem­bly in Sep­tem­ber 2018, Trump false­ly told del­e­gates that “in less than two years, my admin­is­tra­tion has accom­plished more than almost any admin­is­tra­tion in the his­to­ry of our country”

Read the full sto­ry, “If Trump Deliv­ers His Last Hur­rah to an Emp­ty Unit­ed Nations, Will it Still Make a Sound?”, on globalissues.org

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