How to Password Protect Your WordPress Forms

Do you want to pass­word pro­tect a form on your Word­Press website? 

Nor­mal­ly, when you add a form to your web­site, it is vis­i­ble to all users who can see that page. If you want to pro­tect a Word­Press form and lim­it its access to only cer­tain peo­ple, then you may need to pass­word pro­tect that par­tic­u­lar form. 

In this arti­cle, we’ll explain step by step how to eas­i­ly pass­word pro­tect your Word­Press forms.

Password protecting a WordPress form

Why Password Protect WordPress Forms?

There are lots of rea­sons why you might pass­word pro­tect forms on your Word­Press web­site.

For instance:

  • You cre­ate and main­tain web­sites for a num­ber of clients. When they need sup­port, they fill out a sup­port request form. Non-clients shouldn’t be able to request sup­port using that form.
  • You have week­ly appoint­ments with clients over Zoom or Skype, which they can book through your web­site. Non-clients shouldn’t be able to book an appointment.
  • You run an online pho­tog­ra­phy club. Mem­bers can send in their best pho­tos each month and you fea­ture a selec­tion on your web­site. Non-mem­bers shouldn’t be able to send in photos.

In all these sit­u­a­tions, you want to pre­vent non-clients or non-mem­bers from fill­ing in your form. Oth­er­wise, you need to care­ful­ly go through all the form entries to check whether they are valid sub­mis­sions or not.

We are going to cov­er 2 ways to pass­word pro­tect your forms in WordPress.

1. Password Protect a WordPress Form Using WPForms

WPForms is our #1 rat­ed con­tact form plu­g­in for Word­Press. It allows you to cre­ate any kind of Word­Press forms by using a sim­ple drag and drop form builder. 

It also comes with a form lock­er addon which allows you to add pass­word pro­tec­tion to your Word­Press forms when needed. 

First,you need to install and acti­vate the WPForms plu­g­in. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a Word­Press plu­g­in.

Next, you need to set up your form. Just fol­low our instruc­tions on how to cre­ate a con­tact form in Word­Press for help with this.

Once you have your form ready, the next step is to install the Form Lock­er addon for WPForms. First, go to WPForms » Addons in your Word­Press admin. 

The WPForms addons page in your WordPress admin

Here, you need to search for the ‘Form Lock­er’ addon. Just click on the ‘Install Addon’ but­ton to install and acti­vate it:

Installing the Form Locker addon for WPForms

Now, go to WPForms » All Forms and find the form that you want to pro­tect. Sim­ply click on the form name to start edit­ing it:

Editing a form in WPForms

Next, go to Set­tings » Form Lock­er and you will see the Form Lock­er options. Go ahead and click on the ‘Enable pass­word pro­tec­tion’ box:

Going to the Form Locker settings page in WPForms and checking the password box

You will now be able to enter a pass­word. You may also enter a dis­play mes­sage if you want to.

Entering a password and a message for your password protected form

Don’t for­get to click the Save but­ton at the top of the screen after set­ting your password:

Make sure you save your changes to password protect your WordPress form

Now, when some­one vis­its a post or page with that form on, they will see the rest of the con­tent but not the form itself.

The user's view of the form before entering the password

When the user enters the pass­word, the pass­word box and mes­sage will dis­ap­pear. They will see the page con­tent and the form itself:

The form displays after the user enters the password

You could also use this method to pass­word pro­tect forms in wid­getized areas such as your sidebar.

A password protected form in the WordPress site's sidebar

As you can see, out­side of just pass­word pro­tec­tion, the form lock­er also offers oth­er advanced fea­tures like lim­it­ing total num­ber of entries, restrict­ing access to logged in users only, and even enabling form sub­mis­sions for only cer­tain dates.

How­ev­er if you’re look­ing for a free option to pass­word pro­tect your form, then see option #2.

2. Password Protect the Form’s WordPress Page

What if you want to hide the whole page, not just the form itself? This is very easy to do in WordPress.

First, cre­ate or edit a page and add your form to it, as shown above:

Editing the WordPress page that has the form on

Then, click on the ‘Doc­u­ment’ set­tings on the right hand side. Sim­ply click on the ‘Pub­lic’ link here:

Editing the page's visibility settings

You will now see the ‘Post Vis­i­bil­i­ty’ pop­up. Next, click the ‘Pass­word Pro­tect­ed’ option and type in the pass­word you want to use:

Password protecting the page with the form on in WordPress

Now, when some­one vis­its that page, they will need to enter a pass­word to see any of the content:

The WordPress page now requires a password before the content can be viewed

We hope this arti­cle helped you learn how to pass­word pro­tect your Word­Press forms. You may also want to see our guide on how to pass­word pro­tect a Word­Press web­site, how to secure your con­tact forms, and how to improve over­all Word­Press secu­ri­ty to keep your con­tent safe and protected. 

If you liked this arti­cle, then please sub­scribe to our YouTube Chan­nel for Word­Press video tuto­ri­als. You can also find us on Twit­ter and Face­book.

The post How to Pass­word Pro­tect Your Word­Press Forms appeared first on WPBe­gin­ner.

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