Georgia Bulldogs planning to have football fans between the hedges

The Geor­gia Bull­dogs are plan­ning to have fans between the hedges this season.

For now, anyway.

Mir­ror­ing oth­er schools in the South­east­ern Con­fer­ence, the school announced a tick­et plan Wednes­day that would allow 20–25% capac­i­ty at 92,746-seat San­ford Stadium.

That would mean crowds of about 18,500 to 23,000 for Georgia’s four home games in 2020.

Ath­let­ic direc­tor Greg McGar­i­ty stressed that all arrange­ments are ten­ta­tive amid the coro­n­avirus pandemic.

“I hope this is the plan we end up with,” he said. “But as we know, things change rapid­ly. We could wind up where we don’t have fans.”

The Bull­dogs are offer­ing sin­gle-game tick­ets in hopes of accom­mo­dat­ing as many sea­son-tick­et hold­ers as pos­si­ble for an SEC-only sched­ule that includes home games against Auburn, Ten­nessee, Mis­sis­sip­pi State and Vanderbilt.

Fans will be assigned most­ly to four-seat blocs pre­sum­ably com­prised of peo­ple from the same house­hold, fam­i­ly mem­bers or close friends. Social dis­tanc­ing will be main­tained between those group­ings, spread­ing fans through­out the mas­sive stadium.

McGar­i­ty jok­ing­ly said it would be com­pa­ra­ble to the school’s G‑Day spring prac­tice game if it was held on a rainy day.

“It’s going to look very spo­radic,” he said.

Geor­gia also plans to set aside 3,000 tick­ets for the stu­dent body.

Fans will be required to wear masks to enter the sta­di­um and while mov­ing through the con­cours­es. They can remove the cov­er­ings at their seats.

While Alaba­ma already announced tail­gat­ing will not be allowed out­side its sta­di­um, Geor­gia has not yet made a deci­sion on that beloved foot­ball tradition.

Georgia’s announce­ment came even as the state has become a hot spot for the pan­dem­ic. The num­ber of cas­es is approach­ing 250,000, with more than 4,700 deaths.

The ath­let­ic direc­tor not­ed that Georgia’s first home game is not until Oct. 3, when the Bull­dogs are set to host bit­ter rival Auburn.

“We’re not even out of August yet,” McGar­i­ty said. “There’s plen­ty of time through the whole month of Sep­tem­ber to eval­u­ate things and piv­ot as necessary.”

Georgia’s hopes of play­ing before fans — or even hav­ing a sea­son — might come down to the actions of its stu­dent body. Class­es resume on cam­pus this week, set­ting up a sce­nario that already has led to out­breaks at oth­er schools.

“What’s the gen­er­al stu­dent pop­u­la­tion going to do? That’s up for grabs,” McGar­i­ty said. “We expect to see some spikes. No one would be shocked by that.”

Those fans who choose not to attend games this fall will be eli­gi­ble for a refund on all dona­tions and sea­son tick­et pur­chas­es, while retain­ing their pre­ferred sta­tus for 2021.

Tick­ets will cost $150 per game, pro­vid­ing a much-need­ed boost in rev­enue even though the costs of stag­ing a game will be sig­nif­i­cant giv­en the clean­ing costs and oth­er safe­ty measures.

“There’s no ques­tion the expens­es are going to be rather high to make sure this hap­pens,” McGar­i­ty said.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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