Escalating tensions: Belarus deploys paratroopers to Poland’s eastern border

Belarus is deploy­ing para­troop­ers and Spe­cial Oper­a­tions Forces to Grod­no, close to the bor­der with Poland and Lithuania.

Charg­ing that Europi­an coun­tries were respon­si­ble for esca­la­tions of the dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion in the bor­der regions, Pres­i­dent Alexan­der Lukashenko ordered to send para­troop­ers from Viteb­sk to Grod­no, the state news agency Belta reported.

“What’s hap­pen­ing in these ter­ri­to­ries [in the west], we cant calm­ly this. Our mil­i­tary is also wor­ried about this prob­lem. There­fore, I will ask addi­tion­al­ly, since the tense sit­u­a­tion on the west­ern bor­der, to trans­fer the air­borne brigade from Viteb­sk to Grod­no,” Lukashenko told Belarus’ tele­vi­sion on 15 August.

Grod­no is a city in west­ern Belarus. It is on the Neman, close to the bor­ders of Poland and Lithuania.

In social media also were post­ed videos and images of a big mil­i­tary con­voy com­posed of wheeled armored per­son­nel car­ri­ers and mil­i­tary trucks dri­ving from Vitebsk.

In addi­tion, Lukashenko said that the mass protests that occur­ring in Belarus were con­trol­ling from Poland, the Unit­ed King­dom, and the Czech Republic.

“We traced calls from abroad, and as a for­mer intel­li­gence offi­cer you know that. Calls came from Poland, Great Britain, and the Czech Repub­lic to con­trol, I beg your par­don, sheep: they don’t under­stand what they are doing and are easy to be con­trolled,” BelTA agency quot­ed him as say­ing at a meet­ing with chair­man of the CIS Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tari­at Sergei Lebe­dev, who head­ed a CIS observ­er mis­sion at Sunday’s pres­i­den­tial elections.

Accord­ing to Lukashenko, Russ­ian, Pol­ish and Ukrain­ian cit­i­zens attempt­ed to take part in mass protests that took place in Belarus.

“I’m not going to men­tion Poland: they’ve already set­tled down there, try­ing to pull the strings as well. I’m not going to talk about Ukraine: peo­ple came from there. I’m sure this is not state pol­i­cy, how­ev­er, there are many “Maid­an-crazy” peo­ple over there whom I’ve already men­tioned. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, some peo­ple came from Rus­sia as well,” Lukashenko said, quot­ed by BelTA news agency.

More­over, Alexan­der Lukashenko has said his Russ­ian coun­ter­part has offered full assis­tance to ensure the secu­ri­ty of Belarus.

Rus­sia has report­ed­ly offered to assist Belarus’ gov­ern­ment in ensur­ing secu­ri­ty, after sev­en days of anti-gov­ern­ment protests sparked by Belaru­sian Pres­i­dent Alexan­der Lukashenko’s con­tro­ver­sial elec­tion win.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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