Crowd marching 5 miles from Aurora to Denver to protest racism, police brutality

Hun­dreds of peo­ple gath­ered at the Mar­tin Luther King Jr. Library in Auro­ra on Sun­day to protest racism and police vio­lence. After ral­ly­ing in Auro­ra, the crowd plans to march 5 miles along E. Col­fax Ave. to the Mar­tin Luther King Jr. memo­r­i­al at Denver’s City Park.

The group began march­ing down E. Col­fax Ave. around 3:45 p.m. Sun­day. Auro­ra police advise dri­vers to avoid E. Col­fax Ave. as pro­test­ers are block­ing sev­er­al east­bound and west­bound lanes of traffic. 

The protest comes one week after anoth­er Black man was shot by police in Wis­con­sin. Jacob Blake was shot sev­en times by Kenosha police in Wis­con­sin last Sun­day, leav­ing him par­a­lyzed. Protests around the coun­try have erupt­ed in the after­math of the shoot­ing that was caught on video.

“Just when you think it is over, anoth­er ugly inci­dent hap­pens,” pro­test­er Gre­go­ry Strick­land said.

The Auro­ra Police Depart­ment has been under scruti­ny in recent months after renewed out­rage over the death of Eli­jah McClain last August.

Tane­sha Samuels said she is march­ing for McClain, say­ing she wants to see the offi­cers involved in his death arrest­ed and charged. “That’s all I want,” Samuels said. “It’s been a year.”

The event was orga­nized by the Par­ty for Social­ism and Lib­er­a­tion and the Front­line Par­ty for Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Action, accord­ing to the Face­book event.

This is a devel­op­ing sto­ry. Check back for updates. 

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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