Coronavirus warnings in January 2020 — is a pandemic looming now? Germany Virus History

Coronavirus warnings
Quelle: Charite Berlin

It is very rare for a virus that oth­er­wise only cir­cu­lates in ani­mals to sud­den­ly spread to humans. Usu­al­ly, the germs can­not access the cells. But when a few weeks ago peo­ple came into con­tact with the ani­mals sold there at a week­ly mar­ket in Wuhan, it hap­pened: A coro­n­avirus, which, accord­ing to cur­rent ana­lyzes, is most sim­i­lar to that from Chi­nese horse­shoe bat, a species of bat, made the leap.

Prob­a­bly deep in the lungs of one of the game meat sell­ers, he found a point of attack, a recep­tor that enabled him to enter the cell so that he could reproduce.

This per­son fell ill, infect­ed oth­ers — and an epi­dem­ic took its course that has now spread not only to Chi­na, but also to numer­ous oth­er coun­tries, includ­ing Ger­many. In Ger­many, the first case out­side of Asia occurred in which a patient was infect­ed in the same coun­try. Accord­ing to the cur­rent state of knowl­edge, this has only hap­pened in Chi­na and Viet­nam so far.

Researchers such as Chris­t­ian Drosten from the Char­ité in Berlin iden­ti­fied the pathogen at an impres­sive­ly high rate as a close rel­a­tive of the Sars virus, which trig­gered an epi­dem­ic in Chi­na in 2002/2003 with 8,000 infect­ed peo­ple and 800 dead. At first it looked like the new vari­ant would not be so dan­ger­ous despite its sim­i­lar­i­ty. Infec­ti­ol­o­gists and epi­demi­ol­o­gists are no longer so sure about this assess­ment. Here are the most impor­tant ques­tions and answers about the spread of the coronavirus:
1. Who is infect­ed, what are the symptoms?

Ini­tial stud­ies, for exam­ple of 41 infect­ed peo­ple who were treat­ed in clin­ics in Wuhan, show that not only pre­vi­ous­ly ill and there­fore immune or oth­er­wise weak­ened peo­ple are infect­ed by the virus, but also healthy peo­ple. Even more than half of the 41 exam­ined were pre­vi­ous­ly healthy. The aver­age age was 49 years, write researchers in the jour­nal “Lancet”. The symp­toms are sim­i­lar to those caused by the relat­ed Sars pathogen dur­ing the 2002/2003 epi­dem­ic: pneu­mo­nia, fever, cough, in some cas­es fatigue, headache and diar­rhea. Par­tic­u­lar­ly sig­nif­i­cant could be inves­ti­ga­tions into a child in a fam­i­ly in Shen­zhen who appeared to have been infect­ed by rel­a­tives who had returned from a trip from Wuhan. It car­ries the virus but does not show any symptoms.

It was already sus­pect­ed that the virus­es cause severe symp­toms in some peo­ple and weak or no symp­toms in oth­ers. A cru­cial ques­tion for the spread of the dis­ease is now, from when an infect­ed per­son can infect oth­er peo­ple: Does this only hap­pen when the dis­ease breaks out? Accord­ing to the data so far, this hap­pens after three to six days of incu­ba­tion, a lit­tle ear­li­er than with Sars (4 to 5 days). Or is this child already infec­tious through body secre­tions (such as spit) with­out cough­ing? That would be a clear and wor­ry­ing dif­fer­ence to the Sars virus from 2002, as it would make it even more dif­fi­cult to con­tain the epidemic.

You can read more about the coro­n­avirus here:

“Because asymp­to­matic infec­tions seem pos­si­ble, it will be nec­es­sary to con­trol the epi­dem­ic to iso­late patients as ear­ly as pos­si­ble and to track con­tacts and quar­an­tine them,” says Kwok-Yung Yuen of the Hong Kong Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal, who is lead­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion Has. In addi­tion, it must be ensured that the clin­ic staff com­ply with the rules for pre­vent­ing infec­tions. How impor­tant this is is shown by the fact that so far peo­ple have appar­ent­ly been infect­ed either with­in fam­i­lies or in clin­ics, i.e. where there is close con­tact with infect­ed people.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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