Colorado congressional candidate removes Elijah McClain’s name from event after request from family

A Repub­li­can can­di­date run­ning to rep­re­sent Auro­ra in the U.S. House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives removed Eli­jah McClain‘s name from an event he was host­ing after the fam­i­ly said he didn’t have per­mis­sion to use it.

Steve House, the Repub­li­can can­di­date for Colorado’s 6th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict, was set to host a prayer break­fast in remem­brance of McClain at a cam­paign office Sat­ur­day morn­ing. But the McClain family’s attor­ney said they were not invit­ed to the event nor con­tact­ed about it.

Steve House for Col­orado flyer

“While it is cer­tain­ly true that every mem­ber of our com­mu­ni­ty should share the out­rage against the Auro­ra police and medics killed who this inno­cent young man and the city that refus­es to accept account­abil­i­ty, it is dis­heart­en­ing that can­di­date House would use Elijah’s name in his cam­paign against a pro­gres­sive can­di­date who is active­ly work­ing to com­bat police bru­tal­i­ty,” attor­ney Mari New­man said in an email to The Den­ver Post.

House’s cam­paign was con­tact­ed by a friend of the McClain fam­i­ly Thurs­day night after the fam­i­ly became aware of the event, said Roger Hud­son, spokesman for the cam­paign. McClain’s name and pho­to were imme­di­ate­ly removed from the fli­er about the event at their request, he said. They did not intend for the event to upset any­body, Hud­son said.

“The last thing in the world we would want to do is cause them any pain what­so­ev­er,” Hud­son said.

Hud­son said the event was cre­at­ed after the campaign’s vol­un­teer office on East Col­fax Avenue received a let­ter from the Auro­ra Police Depart­ment warn­ing of the pos­si­bil­i­ty for large demon­stra­tions Sun­day. The cam­paign staff talked with com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers, pas­tors and oth­er orga­ni­za­tions in the area about hold­ing a peace­ful event com­mem­o­rat­ing McClain’s life and call­ing for jus­tice in his case, Hud­son said. A pas­tor from Aurora’s Her­itage Chris­t­ian Cen­ter was sched­uled to speak.

The break­fast was not an offi­cial cam­paign event, Hud­son said, though they are host­ing it at the cam­paign head­quar­ters. The first fly­er for the event includ­ed a pho­to of House, his cam­paign logo and a quote from him about McClain, along with McClain’s photo.

“This wasn’t real­ly a polit­i­cal thing for us,” Hud­son said.

McClain’s mom, She­neen McClain, for weeks has repeat­ed­ly post­ed on social media ask­ing peo­ple not to use her son’s name with­out permission.

House’s incum­bent oppo­nent, U.S. Rep. Jason Crow, was one of the first elect­ed offi­cials to reach out to the McClains, well before nation­al media atten­tion to the case began, New­man said. Crow has stayed in con­tact with the fam­i­ly and worked on a police account­abil­i­ty bill after McClain’s death, she said.

House is final­iz­ing his own plat­form on police reform and account­abil­i­ty, Hud­son said.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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