Colorado Avalanche vs. Dallas Stars: Game 7 keys for injury-depleted Avs

For the sec­ond con­sec­u­tive sea­son, the Avalanche will play in Game 7 of a West­ern Con­fer­ence semi­fi­nal series.

The Avs fell a game short of advanc­ing to the con­fer­ence final in May 2019 with a 3–2 loss at San Jose. If they are to avoid the same fate this time around in Edmon­ton, here are three keys for the decid­ing game against Dallas:

1. Car­ry momen­tum. Dal­las has lost two straight games and pro­duced just 15 shots com­bined in the sec­ond and third peri­ods of Game 6. The Avs put up their best defen­sive per­for­mance and won the only rel­a­tive­ly low scor­ing game of the series, 4–1. (Colorado’s fourth goal was an emp­ty-net­ter). The Stars were 26th in scor­ing dur­ing the reg­u­lar sea­son and per­haps their sur­pris­ing play­off scor­ing spree has come to an end. The low­er the score, the bet­ter chance Col­orado has to win. It has the more dan­ger­ous offense — even with all of its injuries.

2. Spe­cial teams. The Avs need to get their pow­er play click­ing. They are 0‑for-11 in the man-advan­tage over the past two games, 1‑for-16 in the last three, and 3‑for-28 in the series. Coach Jared Bed­nar said Thurs­day he has dis­cussed switch­ing up per­son­nel but will prob­a­bly stick to the same two units and hope they claw out of their slump. That’s because the first unit, in par­tic­u­lar, is so tal­ent­ed with Cale Makar, Nathan MacK­in­non, Mikko Ranta­nen, Nazem Kadri and Gabe Lan­deskog — the lat­ter of whom’s sta­tus remains up in the air for Game 7. As for the penal­ty kill, the Avs will try to dupli­cate their show­ing in Game 6, when the Stars had just one pow­er play, and lim­it Dal­las’ man-advan­tage oppor­tu­ni­ties. That’s not like­ly, so the PK guys have to be sharp.

3. No excus­es. This team has won all sea­son with some of its best play­ers on the injured list, and this injury-deplet­ed line­up isn’t about to give in. But now Lan­deskog, the cap­tain, is ques­tion­able Fri­day from a skate-blade cut above his right knee in Game 6 and rook­ie Conor Tim­mins also left that game. The Avs are already with­out its top two goal­tenders, defense­man Erik John­son and for­wards Matt Calvert and Joonas Don­skoi. Bed­nar no longer pro­vides injury updates and said he’ll just play the guys he has avail­able. Besides Makar and MacK­in­non, this team believes it can advance with any­one on the shelf.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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