Clear Creek deputies were justified in fatal shooting near Idaho Springs, report says

A Grand Jury report, in lieu of an indict­ment, about a fatal offi­cer-involved shoot­ing near Ida­ho Springs was released Friday.

The nine-page report, signed August 6 by Fifth Judi­cial Dis­trict Attor­ney Bruce Brown, con­cludes that the Clear Creek Coun­ty Sheriff’s deputies involved in the May 9 shoot­ing of Dar­rin Pat­ter­son, 57, of Ida­ho Springs, were “jus­ti­fied in using the force which was used” when two deputies encoun­tered Pat­ter­son, who was armed with a handgun.

Pat­ter­son, accord­ing to the report, while inside his stopped vehi­cle point­ed a gun at Deputy Kyle Gould. “Believ­ing that Pat­ter­son was going to shoot Gould,” Deputy Nicholas Dib­i­ase fired 18 shots. Gould, “believ­ing his life was in dan­ger,” fired 12 shots. Pat­ter­son did not fire the sil­ver and gray semi-auto­mat­ic .45 cal­iber pis­tol that was ful­ly loaded and had a round in the cham­ber. He died at the scene.

“Grand jurors care­ful­ly reviewed evi­denced in deter­min­ing that no offi­cer should be charged but rec­om­mend­ed that change was need­ed to pre­vent this type of inci­dent,” Brown said in a news release about the report.

Pat­ter­son, who had metham­phet­a­mine in his blood sys­tem a the time of his death, suf­fered with psy­chi­atric issues, accord­ing to the report.

Pat­ter­son was known to Ida­ho Springs police, who had mul­ti­ple pri­or con­tacts with him, and the report made “rec­om­men­da­tions” includ­ing that law enforce­ment do more to “facil­i­tate” men­tal health assis­tance and resources for peo­ple they encounter who are “expe­ri­enc­ing pro­found men­tal illness.”

In the news release Brown said: “An absence of resources con­tributed to this tragedy,
and the ques­tion is whether offi­cials can work togeth­er, step up and fill a glar­ing need to provide
treat­ment to peo­ple who are suffering.”

The offi­cer-involved shoot­ing was inves­ti­gat­ed by the Col­orado Bureau of Investigation.

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