Broncos Briefs: Roster decisions left to be made entering final training camp practice

Under nor­mal cir­cum­stances, the Bron­cos would have closed out their pre­sea­son sched­ule Thurs­day night in Ari­zona and fol­lowed with two days of delib­er­a­tions to set the ini­tial 53-man roster.

But ahead of Saturday’s 2 p.m. cut-down dead­line, the Bron­cos will prac­tice Fri­day night at Mile High, their 17th and final train­ing camp workout.

Two of the fac­tors that will come into play: Spe­cial teams con­trib­u­tors and the make-up of the 16-play­er prac­tice squad.

On spe­cial teams, kick­er Bran­don McManus, punter Sam Mar­tin and long snap­per Jacob Boben­moy­er are set, but iden­ti­fy­ing core play­ers who can play on mul­ti­ple coverage/return units is ongoing.

“I’m going to try and get more punts (Fri­day),” coach Vic Fan­gio said after Thursday’s prac­tice. “We do need more of that.”

It’s safe to assume some of the core spe­cial teams play­ers will be safe­ty Trey Mar­shall (team-high 313 spe­cial teams snaps last year), inside line­backer Josey Jew­ell (257), out­side line­backer Malik Reed (204), tight end/fullback Andrew Beck (197) and cor­ner­back Davon­tae Har­ris (161).

One ros­ter bat­tle is like­ly choos­ing between vet­er­an Joe Jones (277 spe­cial teams snaps last year) and Josh Watson.

Wat­son would like­ly clear waivers and be signed to the prac­tice squad. This year’s one-time rule allows for four of the prac­tice squad play­ers to be veterans.

“I think it’s a good thing they’ve expand­ed the prac­tice squad,” Fan­gio said. “I’m hop­ing that stays for­ev­er. I’ve been say­ing it for a long time — we don’t have a minor league in the NFL like base­ball, bas­ket­ball and hock­ey so we need more peo­ple on the prac­tice squad to try and devel­op them and it helps dur­ing prac­tice in the sea­son the more guys you have around. It just keeps giv­ing us a chance to devel­op players.”

K. Jack­son gets day off. Bron­cos safe­ty Kareem Jack­son missed his first prac­tice of train­ing camp.

“Kareem just begged me for a vet day so I relent­ed after he put a cup­cake on my desk,” Fan­gio joked.

New to the injury report were Beck and rook­ie tight end Albert Okwuegbunam.

Fan­gio said Beck has “a lit­tle tight­ness in his back. We think he’ll be fine and ready to roll by the next week.”

Okwueg­bunam, Fan­gio said, has a “lit­tle hip problem.”

Out­side line­backer Von Miller prac­ticed after get­ting Wednes­day off.

Yiadom exits. The Bron­cos trad­ed cor­ner­back Isaac Yiadom to the New York Giants on Wednes­day for a 2021 sev­enth-round draft pick, basi­cal­ly an admis­sion he was going to be cut this weekend.

“I don’t know if it was any­thing in par­tic­u­lar,” Fan­gio said when asked why Yiadom didn’t pan out with the Bron­cos. “I just think it was a good oppor­tu­ni­ty to give Ike a fresh start back on the East Coast. I’ll be his biggest cheer­leader. I hope he makes us look bad and is a great play­er there. It just didn’t work out here to the extent he want­ed and we want­ed it to, but I’m hop­ing the new sur­round­ings ben­e­fit him and his career.”

Yiadom’s trade and the addi­tion of offen­sive tack­le Dar­rin Paulo leaves the Bron­cos’ ros­ter at 79 players.

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