Broncos Briefs: Offense regains sharpness in time for live period of practice

The Bron­cos fin­ished a stretch of six con­sec­u­tive days of prac­tice Fri­day morn­ing with a live short-yardage/­goal-line drill.

“The offense took it to the defense there pret­ty good,” coach Vic Fan­gio said. “We didn’t stop very many plays on defense. (The offense) had their way with us there.”

For most of the team peri­ods, the defense had the advan­tage, high­light­ed by tight cov­er­age from cor­ner­backs A.J. Bouye and Bryce Calla­han and an inter­cep­tion by safe­ty Justin Sim­mons. But quar­ter­back Drew Lock and the first-team offense had an effec­tive hur­ry-up dri­ve to pre­cede the live period.

“I was pleased with the way they fin­ished prac­tice,” Fan­gio said of the offense. “But we have to make sure we move it well enough to get down to the goal line. It wasn’t our sharpest prac­tice on offense until the end.

“Again, I see flash­es. I see the poten­tial. But flash­es and poten­tial don’t win in this league. We have to feel the urgency for how close we are to the first game and start look­ing real­ly good.”

Miller, Gor­don sit. Fan­gio said out­side line­backer Von Miller (elbow) and run­ning back Melvin Gor­don (ribs) are day to day. Both were removed from Thursday’s prac­tice and did not work Friday.

The Bron­cos received good news on inside line­backer Todd Davis’ left calf.

“It’s not the same calf he had (injured) last year nor is it as seri­ous,” Fan­gio said. “I think he’ll miss at least a week and then after that, we’ll see how it goes.”

Davis missed two months last year, includ­ing the first two games, with a right calf injury.

Right tack­le Eli­jah Wilkin­son (ankle) was unable to fin­ish prac­tice, but it wasn’t the ankle he had surgery on ear­li­er this year.

“Just a quick roll (of the ankle),” Wilkin­son said. “I walked it off. They pulled me out — no rea­son to aggra­vate it any­more. I got tan­gled up with (out­side line­backer Malik Reed), but it’s cool.”

Hamler’s recov­ery. Rook­ie receiv­er KJ Ham­ler (ham­string) will be out a few weeks, putting his sta­tus for the Sept. 14 open­er against Ten­nessee in doubt. The timetable will depend on the sever­i­ty of the injury — Grade 1 is the least severe and Grade 3 would be a tear.

Dr. Ken­ton Fibel, pri­ma­ry care sports med­i­cine physi­cian at Cedars-Sinai’s Ker­lan-Jobe Insti­tute in Los Ange­les, said first up for Ham­ler will be an MRI to deter­mine the severity.

Fibel, also a team doc­tor for the NHL’s Ana­heim Ducks, said it’s pos­si­ble Ham­ler could receive a platelet-rich plas­ma (PRP) injec­tion with­in a week of the injury or under­go blood flow restric­tion ther­a­py, which also pro­motes healing.

“The PRP can be used to aug­ment the heal­ing of the mus­cle tis­sue,” Fibel said. “Blood flow restric­tion can allow you to work on some strength and con­di­tion­ing with­out putting the same amount of load on the injured muscle.”

Fan­gio on Rivera. Fan­gio was asked about his rela­tion­ship with Wash­ing­ton coach Ron Rivera, who revealed Thurs­day he has been diag­nosed with squa­mous cell car­ci­no­ma, a type of can­cer in a lymph node.

“I know Ron a lit­tle bit and obvi­ous­ly, I’m hope­ful he’ll be able to over­come this,” Fan­gio said. “I’ve heard where it’s a cur­able can­cer and Ron is a tough guy deep down in his bel­ly and he has a lot of tough­ness in his DNA. I’m sure he’s going to get through this as good as any­body can and I expect him to beat it.”

Rivera announced he will con­tin­ue coach­ing dur­ing train­ing camp.

Foot­notes. For­mer Bron­cos quar­ter­back Pey­ton Man­ning attend­ed prac­tice to pro­vide analy­sis for the team’s live inter­net stream with for­mer safe­ty Steve Atwa­ter. … The Bron­cos need to decide on a start­ing cen­ter, which run­ning back (Gor­don or Phillip Lind­say) gets the first snap against Ten­nessee and oth­er promi­nent roles. “Ide­al­ly, we’d like to make them as soon as pos­si­ble but we’re not going to rush yet,” Fan­gio said. “But the first game is close. We may have to rush it a lit­tle bit, but I don’t feel that need at this moment. We want to make sure we’re mak­ing the right decisions.”

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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