Book: Pence was told “to be on standby” for Trump hospital visit

WASHINGTON — A new book is reviv­ing ques­tions about Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s unsched­uled vis­it to Wal­ter Reed mil­i­tary hos­pi­tal last fall with the rev­e­la­tion that “word went out” for Vice Pres­i­dent Mike Pence to stand by to tem­porar­i­ly assume pres­i­den­tial pow­ers if Trump had to receive anes­the­sia for a med­ical procedure.

Pence said in an inter­view Tues­day evening that he doesn’t recall being told to be on “stand­by.”

The White House has said the president’s Novem­ber 2019 vis­it, which raised ques­tions at the time about Trump’s health, was part of his rou­tine annu­al phys­i­cal, and that the pres­i­dent want­ed to get a head start on what typ­i­cal­ly is an hours-long, head-to-toe exam because he’d be busy this year with cam­paign­ing. Trump tweet­ed Tues­day night that the rea­son for the vis­it “was to com­plete my year­ly physical.”

A president’s rou­tine med­ical check­up typ­i­cal­ly is announced ahead of time.

The White House pro­vid­ed no oth­er details at the time. His White House doc­tor said in a state­ment Tues­day the pres­i­dent “remains healthy” and “fit to exe­cute the duties of the presidency.”

Pence said he’s always informed about the president’s move­ments, but there was “noth­ing out of the ordi­nary about that move­ment, or that day.” He referred oth­er ques­tions to the White House doctor.

“I don’t recall being told to be on stand­by,” Pence said on Fox News Channel’s “Spe­cial Report with Bret Baier.” “I was informed that the pres­i­dent had a doctor’s appointment.

“I got­ta tell you, part of this job (as vice pres­i­dent) is you’re always on stand­by,” Pence said. “But the Amer­i­can peo­ple can be con­fi­dent that this pres­i­dent is in remark­able good health and every sin­gle day I see that energy.”

Trump vis­it­ed Wal­ter Reed Nation­al Mil­i­tary Med­ical Cen­ter in Bethes­da, Md., about two months after the Demo­c­ra­t­ic-con­trolled House impeached him over his con­duct toward Ukraine.

“In report­ing for this book, I learned that in the hours lead­ing up to Trump’s trip to the hos­pi­tal, word went out in the West Wing for the vice pres­i­dent to be on stand­by to take over the pow­ers of the pres­i­den­cy tem­porar­i­ly if Trump had to under­go a pro­ce­dure that would have required him to be anes­thetized,” Michael Schmidt writes in “Don­ald Trump v. the Unit­ed States: Inside the Strug­gle To Stop A President.”

“Pence nev­er assumed the pow­ers of the pres­i­den­cy, and the rea­son for Trump’s trip to the doc­tor remains a mys­tery,” Schmidt says in the book. Schmidt is a New York Times and Pulitzer Prize-win­ning reporter.

Trump respond­ed Tues­day on Twit­ter to Schmidt’s report­ing and oth­er spec­u­la­tion about his health, and lat­er had his White House doc­tor attest to health.

“It nev­er ends! Now they are try­ing to say that your favorite Pres­i­dent, me, went to Wal­ter Reed Med­ical Cen­ter, hav­ing suf­fered a series of mini-strokes. Nev­er hap­pened to THIS can­di­date – FAKE NEWS,” Trump tweeted.

Trump appeared to be respond­ing to Clin­ton White House vet­er­an Joe Lock­hart, who tweet­ed Mon­day about Trump, ask­ing: “Did @realDonaldTrump have a stroke which he is hid­ing from the Amer­i­can public?”

Dr. Sean Con­ley, Trump’s White House doc­tor, fol­lowed up with a state­ment in which he said Trump has not expe­ri­enced or been eval­u­at­ed for a stroke, a mini-stroke or any acute car­dio­vas­cu­lar emergency.

“The pres­i­dent remains healthy and I have no con­cerns about his abil­i­ty to main­tain the rig­or­ous sched­ule ahead of him,” said Con­ley, who flew with Trump to Wis­con­sin on Tues­day. “As stat­ed in my last report, I expect him to remain fit to exe­cute the duties of the presidency.”

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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