Barcelona “broke their word” Messi won’t stay a day longer than necessary

If Lionel Mes­si could he would rather leave FC Barcelona today than tomor­row. The 33-year-old only stays because he wants to avoid a mud fight in court. And yet he reck­ons heav­i­ly with the club for which he has played foot­ball for more than 20 years. Lionel Mes­si stays at FC Barcelona but he does­n’t stay any longer than nec­es­sary. The 33-year-old has spo­ken for the first time since telling his club that he want­ed to leave him after more than 20 years. And says much more with all the words that he does not speak than with those that he utters. Because he does not say a word that he is con­vinced of a where­abouts and the sport­ing per­spec­tive. Instead, his change of heart is appar­ent­ly main­ly due to the fact that an exit would have become even ugli­er than the back and forth of the past few weeks already was. The news that per­haps the best foot­baller of his gen­er­a­tion will stay at FC Barcelona for anoth­er sea­son is only a rea­son to be hap­py for the long-estab­lished Cata­lan club at first glance. Because Mes­si relent­less­ly holds against the club why he would rather leave today than tomor­row. Also because he puts the blame for the mis­ery away from him­self and onto the club. It is almost impos­si­ble for Messi’s opin­ion to change in the com­ing sea­son, giv­en his words, some of which resem­ble a reckoning.

“I would nev­er go to court against Barça,” Mes­si said in an inter­view with No com­mit­ment to the club, instead just a sim­ple con­sid­er­a­tion: A legal dis­pute over con­trac­tu­al claus­es and trans­fer fees seems much more exhaust­ing to the Argen­tine than to endure anoth­er sea­son with the Cata­lans and then leave with the end of his con­tract. Barcelona is too often just Mes­si. How­ev­er, Mes­si does not see the blame for this on him­self, but on the pres­i­dent of FC Barcelona, ​​Josep Maria Bar­tomeu. “The pres­i­dent broke his word,” said Mes­si: “He always told me that at the end of the sea­son I could decide whether to stay or leave, but he did­n’t stick to it.” Instead, “they are now cling­ing to the fact that I did not express my inten­tion before June 10,” the excep­tion­al foot­baller con­tin­ued. Mes­si comes across as deeply dis­ap­point­ed rather than angry. About the fact that the club, which still car­ries the mot­to “More than a club”, is try­ing to break a sup­pos­ed­ly fixed agree­ment with the help of its legal department.

On June 10th, accord­ing to the argu­ments of FC Barcelona, ​​the dead­line expired in which Mes­si could uni­lat­er­al­ly ter­mi­nate his con­tract, which is valid until 2021. “But on June 10th we still played for the cham­pi­onship” because “the ter­ri­ble coro­n­avirus changed the entire sea­son”. On June 11th, the Span­ish league returned from the forced break, eleven match days were still open. Barça start­ed the race as the cham­pi­onship leader, but ulti­mate­ly missed the title in the eter­nal duel with Real Madrid. Messi’s side was sure that due to this exten­sion of the sea­son, the clause would con­tin­ue to work, which is why it was only trig­gered in August — after the last com­pet­i­tive game, the 8–2 in the Cham­pi­ons League quar­ter-finals against FC Bay­ern. “But the pres­i­dent told me that I can only leave the club if some­one pays the trans­fer fee of 700 mil­lion euros,” said Mes­si: “And that is impos­si­ble.” That’s the only rea­son why he stays, it seems. He sees no future for him­self at the club to which he once switched when he was twelve. Even if he empha­sizes that “my atti­tude will not change”, so he will con­tin­ue to give everything.

“I don’t want to be picked up”

As in the sea­son that has just end­ed. In which it became increas­ing­ly clear how depen­dent FC Barcelona is on Mes­si hav­ing a good day. And in which Mes­si had to rec­og­nize more and more often that he seems to be respon­si­ble for the suc­cess of the 26-time Span­ish cham­pi­on at times. Despite the Argentine’s 57 goal par­tic­i­pa­tions in 44 com­pet­i­tive games across all com­pe­ti­tions, Barcelona missed the cham­pi­onship and failed in both the Span­ish Cup and the Cham­pi­ons League in the quar­ter-finals. It was the first sea­son with­out a title since 2008. “The truth is that there is no project here, no long-term approach, and it has­n’t been for a long time,” said Mes­si in the inter­view, his first pub­lic state­ment in the con­tract dis­pute. He had already repeat­ed­ly crit­i­cized his club’s trans­fer pol­i­cy. The Cata­lans paid 120 mil­lion euros a year ago for Antoine Griez­mann. A big name, which, how­ev­er, with its weak drib­bling and some­times slow­ing down game hard­ly fits into Barcelona’s sys­tem, which is designed for short and fast pass­es. A com­mit­ment to the needs of one’s own game.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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