Aurora parents shot during phony car sale arranged online, police say

Par­ents of five chil­dren shot to death out­side an Auro­ra apart­ment com­plex were try­ing to buy a used SUV but didn’t know it was stolen and that the sell­er intend­ed to rob them of cash, accord­ing to an arrest affi­davit filed in Ara­pa­hoe Coun­ty Dis­trict Court.

The sus­pect in the Aug. 14 shoot­ing, 18-year-old Kyree Brown, admit­ted he shot Joseph Roland, 39, and his wife, Jossline Roland, 40, dur­ing the pho­ny sale, the arrest affi­davit said. Brown is charged with two counts of first-degree murder.

Joseph Roland flipped cars for a liv­ing, the arrest affi­davit said. His wife, Jossline Roland, was the firm admin­is­tra­tor at The Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya. The cou­ple had five chil­dren, who are being cared for by family.

Joseph Roland had agreed to pur­chase Toy­ota Rav4 through let­go, an online web­site and app for buy­ing used goods, and had arranged to meet the sell­er at a mall park­ing lot, the affi­davit said. Once at the mall, Brown told the cou­ple he had brought the wrong title and asked them to fol­low him back to his house.

But at the apart­ment com­plex Brown pulled a 9mm hand­gun and demand­ed cash from the cou­ple, the arrest affi­davit said. After he pulled the gun, Joseph Roland grabbed his arm and the car start­ed rolling. That’s when Brown alleged­ly fired. He told detec­tives that he inten­tion­al­ly shot Joseph Roland but acci­den­tal­ly shot Jossline Roland, accord­ing to the arrest affidavit.

After the shoot­ing, Brown grabbed $3,000 from the car and fled, the affi­davit said. He then tried to burn the Rav4 by pour­ing gaso­line on the seats near Havana Street and East Col­fax Avenue.

Brown used a fake name on the let­go app, but had used an email account that Auro­ra Police Depart­ment detec­tives were able to con­nect to him, the affi­davit said. The detec­tives also found his cell phone num­ber through the app, and they used phone data to track his where­abouts the night of the shoot­ing. His cell phone had pinged tow­ers near the mall, the apart­ment com­plex and the loca­tion where the Rav4 was burned, the affi­davit said.

Brown was appre­hend­ed Thurs­day after a short police chase.

The Rolands died after being tak­en to an emer­gency room. After their deaths, police went to the fam­i­ly home where a 17-year-old was the old­est per­son there. They asked the 17-year-old to call a trust­ed adult to come their house before telling the chil­dren that their par­ents had been killed, the affi­davit said.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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