The Internet collective Anonymous Germany has already carried out several online actions against Hildmann. So they hacked his website and also infiltrated his channel on Telegram. ZDFheute spoke to the collective about their motives by email. Four “anons” — as the participants are called — answered the questions. The Internet activists fear “a certain danger to society” from people like Hildmann. You write: “We personally always have the attacks in Christchurch, Hanau and Halle in the back of our minds, which were also based on despicable ideologies and conspiracy myths. Anonymous is of the opinion that something like this should not always be ridiculed and dismissed as crazy.” His posing with weapons, the public agitation against those who think differently and the call to overthrow the FRG also attracted very negative attention.
Anonymous Germany
Hildmann had written on Telegram: “If I go down in the fight for our freedom, then only with a gun in my hand.” Elsewhere he wrote: “We will eliminate the Merkel regime from our history”. He also repeated the anti-Semitic conspiracy narrative that a “Zionist enemy” wanted to “destroy Germany” and claimed that the “German race” should be wiped out. At the end of June, Anonymous Germany published a video in which a distorted voice is addressed to Hildmann: “You have declared war on Anonymous and have to live with the echo.” Hildmann then called the activists “embarrassing paid children and part of the Antifa’s online mercenary troop”. The Anonymous video said: “We are (…) not the Antifa, but we are still anti-fascist.”
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What is anonymous?
Anonymous is an anonymous, worldwide collective that has formed on the Internet and largely operates there. It has no leader, it has no face, and it has no gender. Because it is not a closed movement, general statements are only possible to a limited extent. “Usually hacking activists to whom anonymity, freedom of speech and data protection are important collect under the label,” says political scientist and cyber expert Josef Holnburger. Recently, Anonymous Germany has increasingly positioned itself on Twitter against right-wing extremism and conspiracy narratives. It is not surprising that the collective behind Anonymous Germany turns against Attila Hildmann — most recently, in addition to conspiracy narratives, he had also spread historical relativizations and anti-Semitic messages. Anonymous was created in the online forum 4chan. Memes and abbreviations that are confusing for outsiders are used there. There is a lot of irony, but also hurtful language. Users can anonymously write in numerous sub-forums on all kinds of topics — from comics to weapons. The birth of Anonymous is considered to be their “Chanology” operation, during which Anons protested against the Scientology sect online and in the street. Scientology accused them of “cyber terrorism”.