Attila Hildmann in his sights — Anonymous against corona conspirators

Anony­mous inter­net activists crack down on con­spir­a­cy tellers. One of her goals: Atti­la Hild­mann. Four anons report on their rea­sons and the “Oper­a­tion Alu­minum Foil”. Pro­test­ers in Guy Fawks masks The Guy Fawkes mask is a sym­bol of the Inter­net col­lec­tive Anony­mous. The coro­na cri­sis has made some con­spir­a­cy sto­ry­tellers big on the Inter­net, includ­ing the cook, entre­pre­neur and book author Atti­la Hild­mann. His Telegram chan­nel, which opened at the end of April, is fol­lowed by more than 66,000 users, where he is spread­ing increas­ing­ly crude the­ses. For exam­ple: Coro­na exists so that a chip can be implant­ed in peo­ple dur­ing vac­ci­na­tions. Or: The “I” and the mem­o­ries of peo­ple should be stored in a cloud and then implant­ed in robots or clones. On the week­ends, Hild­mann also demon­strates in front of the Bun­destag, has him­self filmed and pro­vides his fol­low­ers with new food. From TV chef to con­spir­a­cy mythol­o­gist: In the coro­na cri­sis, Atti­la Hild­mann is mak­ing a name for itself with crude the­ses that have long been anti-Semit­ic and refuted.

The Inter­net col­lec­tive Anony­mous Ger­many has already car­ried out sev­er­al online actions against Hild­mann. So they hacked his web­site and also infil­trat­ed his chan­nel on Telegram. ZDFheute spoke to the col­lec­tive about their motives by email. Four “anons” — as the par­tic­i­pants are called — answered the ques­tions. The Inter­net activists fear “a cer­tain dan­ger to soci­ety” from peo­ple like Hild­mann. You write: “We per­son­al­ly always have the attacks in Christchurch, Hanau and Halle in the back of our minds, which were also based on despi­ca­ble ide­olo­gies and con­spir­a­cy myths. Anony­mous is of the opin­ion that some­thing like this should not always be ridiculed and dis­missed as crazy.” His pos­ing with weapons, the pub­lic agi­ta­tion against those who think dif­fer­ent­ly and the call to over­throw the FRG also attract­ed very neg­a­tive attention.

Anony­mous Germany

Hild­mann had writ­ten on Telegram: “If I go down in the fight for our free­dom, then only with a gun in my hand.” Else­where he wrote: “We will elim­i­nate the Merkel regime from our his­to­ry”. He also repeat­ed the anti-Semit­ic con­spir­a­cy nar­ra­tive that a “Zion­ist ene­my” want­ed to “destroy Ger­many” and claimed that the “Ger­man race” should be wiped out. At the end of June, Anony­mous Ger­many pub­lished a video in which a dis­tort­ed voice is addressed to Hild­mann: “You have declared war on Anony­mous and have to live with the echo.” Hild­mann then called the activists “embar­rass­ing paid chil­dren and part of the Antifa’s online mer­ce­nary troop”. The Anony­mous video said: “We are (…) not the Antifa, but we are still anti-fascist.”

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What is anonymous?

Anony­mous is an anony­mous, world­wide col­lec­tive that has formed on the Inter­net and large­ly oper­ates there. It has no leader, it has no face, and it has no gen­der. Because it is not a closed move­ment, gen­er­al state­ments are only pos­si­ble to a lim­it­ed extent. “Usu­al­ly hack­ing activists to whom anonymi­ty, free­dom of speech and data pro­tec­tion are impor­tant col­lect under the label,” says polit­i­cal sci­en­tist and cyber expert Josef Holnburg­er. Recent­ly, Anony­mous Ger­many has increas­ing­ly posi­tioned itself on Twit­ter against right-wing extrem­ism and con­spir­a­cy nar­ra­tives. It is not sur­pris­ing that the col­lec­tive behind Anony­mous Ger­many turns against Atti­la Hild­mann — most recent­ly, in addi­tion to con­spir­a­cy nar­ra­tives, he had also spread his­tor­i­cal rel­a­tiviza­tions and anti-Semit­ic mes­sages. Anony­mous was cre­at­ed in the online forum 4chan. Memes and abbre­vi­a­tions that are con­fus­ing for out­siders are used there. There is a lot of irony, but also hurt­ful lan­guage. Users can anony­mous­ly write in numer­ous sub-forums on all kinds of top­ics — from comics to weapons. The birth of Anony­mous is con­sid­ered to be their “Chanol­o­gy” oper­a­tion, dur­ing which Anons protest­ed against the Sci­en­tol­ogy sect online and in the street. Sci­en­tol­ogy accused them of “cyber terrorism”.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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