As Avalanche and Stars get set for Game 7, things are getting awkward for Bowness family

It’s been an emo­tion­al cou­ple of weeks for the Bow­ness family.

Rick Bow­ness Jr., for­mer sports infor­ma­tion direc­tor for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Den­ver hock­ey pro­gram, is the son of Dal­las Stars inter­im head coach Rick Bow­ness. They talk every day, with the coach in Edmon­ton and Jr. in Denver.

And things are start­ing to get a lit­tle awk­ward between father and son, what with Jr.’s wife, Jodee, the Avalanche’s vice pres­i­dent of tick­et sales and ser­vice at Pep­si Cen­ter, and Col­orado and Dal­las set to face off in Fri­day night’s win­ner-take-all Game 7 of the West­ern Con­fer­ence semifinals.

“It’s a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, obvi­ous­ly,” Bow­ness Jr. said Thurs­day, a day after the Avs’ 4–1 vic­to­ry that set up Game 7. “In addi­tion to my wife, I have a bunch of friends that work (at Pep­si Cen­ter) and I go to a ton of games. I’ve lived in Den­ver for six years. I’m not root­ing against any­body, I guess, and just hap­py that they’re both in the sec­ond round and it’s been a great series.”

He added: “A sweep one way or the oth­er would have been tough. But we’re going to Game 7 and the games have been fun. It’s great to see (for­mer Pio­neers stand­out) Logan O’Connor doing well — I know him pret­ty well from DU….We’re just root­ing for good hock­ey, which is what we’re getting.”

Jodee is kind of “shy” these days, her hus­band said, but “she’s pulling for the Avs, obviously.”

Bow­ness Jr. met his wife when both worked for the Detroit Red Wings in 2010. He was a PR coor­di­na­tor and she a ser­vice exec­u­tive. In 2016, Bow­ness Jr. became part­ly respon­si­ble for his father’s cur­rent job when he held his bachelor’s par­ty at Wayne Gretzky’s Toron­to — a pop­u­lar eatery now cel­e­brat­ing its 25th-year anniversary.

That’s where Bow­ness Jr., the DU employ­ee, intro­duced his father to then-DU coach Jim Mont­gomery, who became Dal­las’ head coach in 2018.

When look­ing for a sea­soned assis­tant to help Mont­gomery begin his NHL coach­ing career, “Mon­ty” set­tled on Bow­ness, who was 63 at the time and had been coach­ing in the league since 1984. Bow­ness took over as inter­im Stars coach in Decem­ber after Mont­gomery was let go.

“They saw eye-to-eye on almost every­thing from the hock­ey side of things,” Bow­ness Jr. said of the work­ing rela­tion­ship between Mont­gomery and his father. “They worked togeth­er on how the team was going to play and that’s still how they’re play­ing — the old-time, hard-nosed hock­ey, tough to play against, roll four lines — and you’re see­ing how that can work. On paper, Col­orado is the more tal­ent­ed team but I think Dal­las has made it a series by being tena­cious and play­ing that style.”

The Bow­ness fam­i­ly is from Hal­i­fax, which is also the home­town of Avalanche super­star Nathan MacK­in­non and Pitts­burgh super­star Sid­ney Cros­by. All three have lake hous­es at Grand Lake out­side Halifax.

MacK­in­non and Cros­by are neigh­bors. The Bow­ness fam­i­ly is across the lake, about a 20-minute boat ride.

“Crazy how small the world is,” Bow­ness Jr. said.

Par­tic­u­lar­ly in this series.


(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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