Another bathing ban for Unstrut crocodile search keeps Saxony-Anhalt in suspense

Pos­si­ble croc­o­dile sight­ings are sim­ply part of a real sum­mer — now a spec­i­men is being searched for in Sax­ony-Anhalt. So far, almost always unsuc­cess­ful. It is by no means the only sus­pect­ed case.

A bathing ban has been issued in the Bur­gen­land dis­trict in Sax­ony-Anhalt because of a croc­o­dile pos­si­bly swim­ming in the unstrut. The ban will ini­tial­ly apply until Sep­tem­ber 6, said the dis­trict admin­is­tra­tor of the Bur­gen­land dis­trict, Götz Ulrich, in Naum­burg. Accord­ing to this, no one is allowed to enter the riv­er between the state bor­der with Thuringia near Wen­del­stein and the con­flu­ence with the Saale at blos­som rea­son near Naum­burg. From Fri­day morn­ing, the emer­gency ser­vices are look­ing for a liv­ing croc­o­dile in the small riv­er in the south of Sax­ony-Anhalt. As the “Volksstimme” reports from Magde­burg, this was dis­con­tin­ued on Sun­day. Accord­ing­ly, search­es were also car­ried out from the air. Dis­trict Admin­is­tra­tor Ulrich said that despite inten­sive mea­sures, there was no con­crete evi­dence of a liv­ing croc­o­dile. The bathing ban con­tin­ues to apply as a precaution.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, there were two ref­er­ences from wit­ness­es who claim to have seen a rep­tile near the town of Laucha an der Unstrut. The police took the reports seri­ous­ly. The locks in Trös­dorf and Wet­zen­dorf were then tem­porar­i­ly closed. Accord­ing to “Volksstimme” the rumor mill was seething — some would have sus­pect­ed that a croc­o­dile might have bro­ken out of the Mem­leben adven­ture park in the south­west of the state. Then it turned out that there aren’t any there.
In the shad­ow of Sam­my and Saturn

Pos­si­ble croc­o­dile sight­ings always cause excite­ment. For exam­ple, in July in Jev­er, East Frisia, where a pass­er-by alert­ed the police — lat­er it turned out that it was noth­ing more than a plas­tic swim­ming ani­mal. In Stade, Low­er Sax­ony, the offi­cials also fol­lowed up on a tip that a croc­o­dile could be romp­ing about in a moat. There it was a decep­tive­ly real rub­ber toy.

Prob­a­bly the most famous case of this kind was the almost leg­endary caiman Sam­my, who amused the whole coun­try in 1994 and kept it a lit­tle in sus­pense. Its own­er had tak­en the ani­mal to a swim­ming lake near Dor­ma­gen, where it escaped. The “Loch Neuss Mon­ster” was searched for days until it was final­ly found. The “Tagesspiegel” describes the sum­mer spec­ta­cle as the “moth­er of all croc­o­dile reports in the annu­al sum­mer slump”. Since then there have been alleged sight­ings of croc­o­diles every year. By the way, Sam­my died in 2013 on a croc­o­dile farm in Hesse.

A real alli­ga­tor that actu­al­ly crawled around Berlin for years made head­lines again the oth­er day — when he died in Rus­sia. Sat­urn passed away in Moscow at the age of 84. He escaped from the Berlin Zoo after a bomb­ing in 1943 and was only dis­cov­ered by a British sol­dier three years lat­er. How he sur­vived time is a mys­tery. In July 1946 he was brought to Moscow. There was also spec­u­la­tion that the ani­mal might have belonged to Adolf Hitler, but this has not yet been proven.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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