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Ryan Reynolds and his wife Blake Live­ly are one of the most gen­er­ous cou­ples in Hol­ly­wood. When finan­cial help is need­ed, they are there. This time a con­sid­er­able sum goes to home­less children.

The actor cou­ple Ryan Reynolds and Blake Live­ly are often involved in char­i­ta­ble caus­es. Now the Hol­ly­wood stars have once again proven their gen­eros­i­ty and donat­ed 250,000 US dol­lars (around 209,000 euros) each to the Covenant House Van­cou­ver and the Covenant House Toron­to, as the orga­ni­za­tion announced via Insta­gram, among oth­er things. The non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion Covenant House has been pro­vid­ing home­less youth in Cana­da with essen­tial things such as food and shel­ter for more than 40 years. It helps them to build an inde­pen­dent and suc­cess­ful life, it says on the web­site. Vic­tims of human traf­fick­ing can also find help. “Covenant House offers love, hope and sta­bil­i­ty for vul­ner­a­ble youth who have fled phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al and sex­u­al abuse,” Ryan Reynolds said in a state­ment now. “They do the work of heroes.” He has sup­port­ed the orga­ni­za­tion for many years. The actor also encour­ages oth­ers to make a dona­tion. Because he and his wife are part of a spe­cial cam­paign. Funds going to Covenant House by Decem­ber 31st will be matched by Reynolds and Lively.

It’s nowhere near the first time Reynolds and Live­ly have made a gen­er­ous dona­tion in 2020. It was only in June that US $ 200,000 (about 167,000 euros) went to the US civ­il rights orga­ni­za­tion NAACP (Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion for the Advance­ment of Col­ored Peo­ple). In March, the two gave one mil­lion US dol­lars (about 836,000 euros) to Feed­ing Amer­i­ca and Food Banks Cana­da and 400,000 US dol­lars (about 334,000 euros) to the hos­pi­tals in New York par­tic­u­lar­ly hard hit by the coro­na pandemic.

(Vis­it­ed 1 times, 1 vis­its today)

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